Friday, March 25, 2011

What Age To Learn Remote Viewing Methods?

By Summer Limita

There are many different remote viewing methods which may be employed, all of which have the same goal: using your natural ability to 'see' something which is beyond the reach of your five ordinary senses. It all happens with the power of your mind.

It's a little bit like having an out of body experience or doing astral travel, but it's not the same thing, quite. Instead, what you're doing is using your natural psychic and extrasensory perception abilities, and developing them into a bona fide skill set.

Actually, being able to remote view is a natural occurrence. Everyone has the innate ability to do remote viewing, yet as time passes, many individuals do forget that they ever could do such a thing. Remote viewing is the ability to sense or see something that is not in the same location as you are.

Remote viewing methods are seen by many as a recent happening and like so many other phenomenon not explained thoroughly explained by the theories of science and hence considered as not so normal practice. However in reality remote viewing method were prevalent from ages.

Remote Viewing by Any Other Name Is Still Remote Viewing

There may be instances when people may consider a person picking up a message who has no sender may be considered as clairvoyant. In cases where there is both a sender and a receiver then the phenomenon may be termed as telepathy.

However, there are still more widely accepted abilities of extrasensory perception, such as maternal instinct when a mother simply knows her child is in danger without having any other information available to her, and needs help.

We must be always try to keep an open mind to nurture our extra sensory perceptions. In fact we also need to grow our body, mind and soul to feel and perceive things that are there for centuries now.

What's Entailed with Various Remote Viewing Methods?

Learning to remote view begins with getting into the proper mental state. You'll need to have already practiced your inherent psychic abilities or learned some meditation and visualization techniques to reach the state of relaxation needed for remote viewing.

When you practice guided visualizations and meditation as part of your remote viewing methods, you will be able to concentrate your mind power and focus more intently on any area or subject you wish to view.

This is going to take some time and practice, so stay patient with your efforts, as you remain diligent and determined to be receptive to any messages or other input you may receive.

There are also a number of helpful aids you can employ when trying to alter your state of consciousness and develop these very necessary skills. Media aids are among the most popular because they have the potential to deliver the best results. These aids include tapes and recordings that provide excellent insights into how to develop these skills.

Researching before taking any of the above aids to enhance our psychic abilities is very much required, This is because among so many training types some may appear to be useless for particular individuals while some may be just suited for the person.

It is essential that you trust your natural instincts and impressions. Even though as you are learning to hone this type of extra sensory skill, many images may not make any sense you shall still trust them and yourself.

As with other types of training, no matter the field, it is beneficial to begin small and work upon the steps and precepts as you progress from one lesson to another.

That is why it is best to start by selecting a half dozen or so simple images and drawing images based on your meditation on these images.

Then place them in an envelope and seal them. Then we may try to perceive remote viewing with the help of these. Another good practice is to make records of our progress while taking the training.

A key component to success is that you should be patient with yourself and the results you get while you are learning. Keep practicing your remote viewing techniques and methods.

With continual practice you'll keep improving until before long, you'll be remote viewing with clarity any time you like.

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