Sunday, March 27, 2011

An Easy And Sure Way Of Learning Spanish

By Bernard Bowers

Immersion is a language learning technique wherein classroom studies are supplemented by actual learning exercises with the students living in a community or with a family where the language of communication is Spanish. The student who lives for a time in a place where Spanish is the spoken language will have an easier time mastering the language. The immersion method has been proven effective over the years and was the main reason for its popularity. The reason is actually plain for all to see. Studying in the classroom necessarily lasts a couple of hours at most, for reasons as wide ranging as teacher availability to the duration of student concentration. The immersion method takes a different approach by prioritizing the practical over the theoretical way, that is, speaking the language in a Spanish speaking community.

The term immersion speaks for itself - the student intermingles with people who speak the language, a continuing learning process that is a far cry from the restrictions of a classroom environment. Immersion does not mean that classroom lessons have lost their relevance, rather the two methods are meant to complement each other to facilitate the mastery and fluency by the student of the Spanish language.

Learning Spanish is not merely an academic exercise, but is putting into practice what is learned. By being immersed in a Spanish-speaking community, the student cannot simply the leave the classroom behind, along with what they have learnt that day - the environment demands that their new knowledge be utilized every time they visit the store, or take a bus. The saying that practice makes perfect is most appropriate in this instance where the student is able master the language in daily conversations with the native speakers of the Spanish tongue.

An added benefit of most Spanish immersion programmes is that they involve the participation of a Spanish speaking family with whom the student resides. The friendly environment found in a family home is the perfect place to take those first, faltering language steps. In addition to the practical lessons, living in a Spanish speaking home provides the student a solid foundation for a better understanding and appreciation of the language.

So learn to speak Spanish the best way - with real people, in the real world.

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