Monday, March 28, 2011

Reading Godly Books Stirs Up Love To God; Reading Bad Books Stirs Up Wickedness

By Thomas Watson

Get books into your houses, when you have not the spring near you, then get some water into your cisterns; so when you have not that wholesome preaching that you desire, good books are cisterns that hold the water of life in them to refresh you.

At the time you notice that your soul is growing cold because you have been losing the warmth of zealousness, put on some warm clothes. In other words, read books that will inspire you with truths that warm your heart.

Watch out for licentious literature as well as immoral pictures that provoke lust. Reading indecent books stirs up the mind to wickedness in the same way as the reading of the Bible stirs up love for God.

I know of a fellow who published a book full of shameless, lewd, and erotic materials. Before he died, however, he regretted having done so and burned the book which had incited lustful feelings in so many people.

To lascivious books I may add lascivious pictures, which bewitch the eye, and are incendiaries to lust. They secretly convey poison to the heart. Popish pictures are not more prone to stir up idolatry than unclean pictures are to stir up to concupiscence.

The Word of God should be valued above every other book. It is a golden letter sent to us from God Himself. By looking at ourselves through the light of the Bible, we can more clearly see the needs of our souls. Much more than the light of natural conscience, it shows us what we need to see about ourselves.

While our conscience helps us to acknowledge some sins, the Word of God goes further to reveal what sin lies most deep in our hearts. And not only does it reveal those sins, but also shows God's provision for cleansing from sin.

The Scripture is a magazine out of which we may fetch spiritual artillery to fight against Satan. (This article has been adapted from "The Ten Commandments" by Thomas Watson and his Farewell sermon preached August, 1662).

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