Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lucid Dreaming And Other People

By Kyle Dados

Lucid dreaming is also often referred to as conscious dreaming, in that one can often exercise a certain degree of control over the dream, unlike with regular dreaming. Basically, lucid dreaming is all about the art of dreaming while at the same time being aware of the fact that it's a dream, even while you're a busy dreaming.

The undeniable fact is; that feeling of power which one experiences when one can control the direction of a dream, is something directly out of metaphysical existence. To a great extent, many of the limitations with which you've learned to live, simply vanish.

But this begs the question: can it really be so easy? Is this accessible to all? If it really is that easy why doesn't everybody do it?

The fact of the matter is; lucid dreaming is far from being a difficult a task. If you are determined to master this powerful skill, there are numerous tried and tested ways to achieving your goal.

The first thing you need to do is to become absolutely certain as to why you want to master the art of lucid dreaming. Do you imagine yourself having your own personal playground built from lucid dreams, or do you have another reason for wanting to learn and develop this skill? Your reason is not of particular importance, providing it is clear in your mind.

Once you're satisfied as to why you want to learn this skill, then it's time to start the actual learning process. The first process, largely referred to as 'dream recall', requires you to remember your last dream. Essentially, if you cannot remember your dreams, it will be virtually impossible to reach the stage of lucid dreaming.

This isn't going to happen overnight (if you'll forgive the pun). Many find it helpful to keep a dream recall register, which is a sort of dream diary. Here you'll write down each detail of your dreams which you can remember. Do this each day. You'll find it easier the more you practice. Also, start trying to become aware of your dreaming, to get your mind trained to be alert in your dreams.

Hypnosis has been used quite often to significantly reduce the time a person needs to train their subconscious mind to the point where they're ready for lucid dreaming. Only one or two sessions of hypnosis may be all one needs to do the trick.

When you are lucid dreaming, you may suddenly awake. Don't worry! Recall the details of your dream and try to go back to sleep and continue the dream in the way that you want. When you awake, you may just be surprised! If successful, your dream will have been under your control and your mind will have a new found power.

Now, you can get to lucid dreams more easily by simply going back to sleep a few hours before you intend to wake up for the day.

When learning lucid dreaming, it helps to be well aware of your sleep patterns so you know when the best times for you to have lucid dreams are.

In addition to any other reasons you may have, lucid dreaming is also known to benefit those suffering from sleeping disorders such as insomnia. If you have difficulty going to sleep at regular hours, you simply need to convince your mind that together with sleeping, comes an opportunity for lucid dreaming. In most cases this will be enough persuasion for your mind to take over the responsibility of clearing away any thoughts which may be preventing you from sleeping.

Unlike in the past, when it could take ages to master the art of lucid dreaming, recent progress with sound technologies have made it a whole lot easier for everyone.

One of the quickest and most efficient means of learning how to lucid dream is by listening to binaural audios.

Binaural audio recordings work in stereo; a different sound frequency is played in each ear at the same time, phasing the brainwaves correctly and inducing deep relaxation in the listener, opening them up to lucid dreaming.

Before binaural audio technology, meditation was the method of choice for those wanting to learn lucid dreaming, and this was a process which could sometimes take years to master. Many simply gave up, not having the determination to pursue the practice.

When binaural sound waves and hypnosis are used for preparing the subconscious mind it is very possible for you to experience lucid dreaming sooner.

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