Thursday, March 10, 2011

Many Out Of Body Techniques You Can Try

By Ruth Soh

At some point in time in your life, you have probably heard the term Out of Body. You may have heard it in a movie, it may have come up in a book you read or even in a conversation, you may have engaged in when speaking to a friend.

Very few really understand that Out of Body can really be done and that anybody can do it. Possibilities are very good that you at one time have astral projected without knowing it.

In order to determine if you have had an out of body experience or to begin learning to astral project it is important to understand what out of body is. Simply put out of body is when your spirit body leaves your physical body. This is something that happens naturally at night when you are asleep, but it is possible for you to do it consciously and control the journey of your spirit body.

Out of Body allows you to travel to any place you can imagine. You can visit the past, explore the future or go anywhere in the present that you focus your mind on. Your astral body knows no distance and can go anywhere and to anytime while your body is asleep.

You may wonder what the astral body is. It is the ethereal body; it is the duplicate of the body in an invisible form. All of our desires and feeling originate from there. Can the astral body leave and not come back? A silver cord unites the astral and physical bodies.

As the astral body first enters the physical body, the silver cord is connected. There is no depletion of this until after the time of death, when the astral body leaves the physical body for the very last time. This silver cord prevents the astral body from leaving and not coming back.

Often times the question of where the astral body actually travels will come up with discussing Out of Body. The astral plane is the realm of the astral body and it is through this plane, which consists of many levels that the astral body travels. The astral plane has several different theories that surround it. The first is that the astral plane is an alternate dimension of reality which overlays the physical. Another is that it happens to come in contact with the physical world through vibrations, which puts the astral plane on another wavelength separating it from the physical world. No matter what particular description is used to explain the existence of an astral plane, experts in the field agree that there are multiple levels to this alternate plane.

Naturally, the question of danger astral projecting comes to mind. The answer is both yes and no. We all have the ability to astral project. We know that the astral body can leave the physical body it will return. However, we must be sensible as with all things. out of body requires a good solid thinking skills and understanding what it is you want and where you would like to go.

Astral projecting while in a chemically induced altered state can be dangerous; your astral body will be affected and travel the lower levels of the astral plane, which are more hazardous.

Make sure that you know where you are and have an idea where you want to go when you astral project. Mastering Out Of Body relies on learning to control your thoughts until you can astral project at will and be conscious and fully in control of your astral journeys.

You can learn Out of Body with relative ease and in little time if you prepare yourself. You could choose to take lessons with Out of Body professionals who can teach you some techniques. Alternately, you could do as most people do and learn on your own.

The web is an excellent source of information on out of body. You can find resources like out of body hypnosis recordings which can put you in the proper frame of mind to astral project. Since you can listen to these recordings over and over until your body is completely relaxed and your astral body receives the message to leave the physical world, these often work better than a session with a professional.

There have been a number of recent advances in sound technologies, one of which is called 'binaural beats'. Binaural beats work by transmitting slightly varied sound frequencies in each of the listener's ears. The effect of this is to foster quick entry into a deeply relaxed state of meditation, which is necessary for successful Out Of Body.

You may not be successful on the first few tries, but don't let this discourage you. Out of Body takes practice just like any other skill. It's a natural ability, but it does take some time and patience before you'll be an expert at it.

Things to look for are the feelings of flight or falling. Falling usually indicates the return of the astral form to the physical and flying is usually indicative of actually engaging in Out of Body.

Out Of Body is a very real ability which you already have. If you devote a little time and effort to practice it, your reward will be being able to enjoy this experience any time you like.

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