Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Research Into How To Be A Gifted Psychic

By William Maddin

Many people have psychic abilities, it's a known fact. However, a little known fact is that most people possess some level of psychic ability, regardless of its strength. However, there are skeptics that view psychic ability as hogwash.

Some individuals choose to defy or ignore them; still others consider them bad magic and evildoing. There are as many beliefs about psychic ability as there are people whether true or false, just as with other things. However, interestingly enough, we interact with various levels of psychics regularly and may not even know it.

There are plenty of ways to know if you are psychic. One of the ways to know if you have psychic capabilities is by paying attention to your dreams. Have you ever dreamed of something that later came true?

Are you sometimes able to tell what people are thinking about without asking them? Maybe you've experienced something that gave you an overwhelming sense of dj vu.

Another way to understand if you are psychic or not is whether you can pick up on certain energies. If you have a way of knowing when something is wrong or the energies around you are overwhelming, that's your psychic capabilities kicking in.

It is possible for the experiences to be weak in form, which may make some people consider that they really are not psychic. You can develop your powers much easier when you take an interest in them. You can move on to the next level when you accept that you do have psychic powers.

You need to be carefull not to 'show off' or brag about your powers. It still is not really socially accepted to be a psychic. If you do you are likely to experience hostility and indeed laughter from ignorant people who either do not understand or do not want to understand the truth. Just focus on your powers to benefit yourself and others.

Through the process of clearing up all the clutter in your life your senses will be able to expand. You home environment should be a very peaceful relaxing place. Use your intuition to get rid of any objects which make you feel uncomfortable as these are probably projecting negative energy.

Getting rid of all the clutter in the pace where you stay is a good starting point to let more positive energy flow into your life.

You'll need to create a space in your home where you can get in touch with your inner self and simply relax. Daily meditation and cleanliness is a very important part of becoming at peace with yourself mentally and emotionally.

It is very difficult being surrounded by negative energies, when you are psychic. These energies create a block which prevents you from seeing things clearly. If you wish to expand your senses you will need to remove all of these blocks.

Your emotions and feelings are dependant on you having a comfortable meditation area. This really is important if you want to develop your psychic powers. Please don't forget that any negative energies present will interfere with your ability to focus and concentrate.

When you sit down to meditate, envision yourself going somewhere nice, such as a beach or island. Think of things that make you happy. Concentrating on positive thoughts clears the mind and helps you to mentally organize everything else in your life.

If you are free of emotional clutter in your life, you will start to predict things like the phone ringing, the song that is going to be played on the radio, a phone call from a person who have not talked with for a long time or a scene from your dreams will come true.

You may find that you start to dream prophetically. Do not consciously try and do this however. Let the dreams flow naturally. Keep your mind focussed and you will be able to pick up on all the different energies around you.

Meditating keeps those negative energies from building and creating blocks, so it is important that you attempt to meditate on a daily basis. Be careful as to not absorb other people's negativity, as it will only interfere with your overall well being. Simply shrug it off or take some time out to surround yourself with positive thoughts to wash away the negative energies.

Developing your psychic powers is just like most things in life; it takes practice. You have to remain patient, as it cannot happen overnight.

Overnight sensations are very uncommon. However, given time you will better be able to control the energies in your life and space. Trust your instincts as you sense when something negative is about to occur or when you sense the various types of positive energies around you and in your world.

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