Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dystopian Novels: Interesting And Exciting

By Omar Radovich

Culture has usually been defined by literature since time immemorial. Over, the years, literature has evolved and it now comes in different genres like dystopia and utopia. Dystopian novels come in form of speculative fiction or science fiction and are usually based on an imagined future world.

Nowadays, Dystopia novels have become a very fascinating genre with numerous writers. Such writers generally explore society including its political and social structures. Most writers depict a nightmarish world plus a society that is characterized by squalor, poverty and oppression. These authors then try to explore the causes of these problems.

This literature presents a destructive vision of the future using satirical irony. The governments do not really care about the safety and well-being of the citizens. The citizens are alienated and they lack individualism, freedom, justice and happiness. The governments focus on extortion and complete control of their people in order to maintain power.

Symbols plus concepts of religion could also be under attack. There may also be eradication of families plus great efforts to ensure that they do not reestablish themselves as social structures. To remove concepts of mummy and daddy, kids may be artificially reproduced. There could also be efforts to organize kids to disobey, disrespect or spy on parents.

The common economic theme is one where the government plans the economy or corporatist plus fascist elements controlling the economy. In this scenario, decision making plus policy making is done by large, unaccountable, privately owned companies instead of the government. Such systems usually reek of bribery, manipulation plus inefficiency.

The Dystopian novels are exciting making them popular with different kinds of readers. Most readers are also able to identify with their contents in some way. When you read them, you become aware of how much your values plus standards are constricted and you may start questioning the current status quo.

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