Monday, June 25, 2012

Acting is not Emoting and Using Gestures to Communicate - Acting Classes in NYC

By Maggie Flanigan

Any actor interested in studying the Meisner technique should explore what's known as the actors instrument. The instrument analogy can be helpful when breaking down all the various aspects that can determine how good an actor is. As an audience member, it becomes apparent very quickly who the good actors in a piece are or who might be falling short. But, can we pinpoint what makes us feel that way? They can also sense when an actors instrument is not well developed, because they don't "believe" the character portrayal.

The actors instrument as six general categories. The aspects of the instrument include sensory expression, emotional, empathy, intelligence and sensory and physical expression. Mastering the craft of acting with the Meisner Technique requires that all six aspects of the instrument are well developed. If you run down the categories mentioned, anyone even slightly interested in acting should be able to name successful actors who have mastered several of these aspects of expression. Legendary actors are those that have mastered all six.

Take, for example, Sylvester Stallone who is know for his commanding physical presence and physical expression. Stallone is certainly able to express emotionally, but overall his most powerful tool onscreen is his physical expression. As an actor he expresses emotional in a very physical, often external way. This is why actors must focus on learning about each and every aspect of the instrument, so that they can be as well rounded as possible.

Actors often focus mainly on emotional expression, thinking it to be the most important. Thinking deeply about how a character feels about something and trying to emulate it is a very common thing for up and coming actors to try and master. One of the most important, but certainly not the only tool to master is the emotional expression aspect of the actors instrument. Each of the six aspects need to be studied and mastered so that they can all work together.

Of course, it is meaningful emotional expression that draws people into any character or story. Emotional expression is they way that the internal aspects of a character's conflicts, needs, and feelings are expressed. Those that study Meisner acting in nyc use an imagined emotional history of a character which they must then express using all the aspects of the instrument. Students of Meisner acting must study the range of human emotions in all their complexity. They in fact, build a library of emotions and reactions and methods for communicating them. Specific characters can be created by delving very deep into the imagination and using the "library" of human behavior they have created. This created life, its emotions and patterns of behavior, are then drawn upon moment by moment, not in rehearsed ways, but spontaneously.

Vulnerability, for example is an expression of the emotion of insecurity. Actors might work hard to develop this emotion and the complex ways it can be expressed. But, if they have strongly developed other aspects of their instrument, such as physical expression and empathy, they will be able to present an authentic, vulnerable character. A single tear, without words can accomplish this, but how about a sense of vulnerability shown while one is smashing a clock to pieces? There is no predictable, safe way to do this.

One common myth is that acting is pretending to have certain emotions. Simply reciting inflections and gestures that express certain emotions is not acting. Acting is DOING, as master teacher Sanford Meisner always said. Being in the moment, and opening up completely to whatever emotions the character might present to you is the secret of great acting. It is a subtle yet, very important distinction. Great actors do not force themselves to cry. What they feel is genuine, and the results can range from crying and screaming to sitting perfectly still to express an emotion. Developing a deep capacity to understand and feel the full range of human emotions and experiences is a great way to become an open, flexible acting student, the best kind of student. Give yourself permission to feel fully and strongly, and express it in ways that are physical, intelligent empathetic and real.

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