Friday, February 25, 2011

Use Astral Projection To Leave Your Body

By Elizabeth Curtin

You've almost certainly at least heard of astral projection before. You might have learned of it from a book or movie or perhaps a friend has been talking about it. While you know the term and maybe even have an idea of what it is, what you probably don't know is that this is not something which only happens in fiction.

Astral projection is real and it's something which anyone can learn to do. In fact, you've probably already astral projected and were unaware of it.

Astral projection is a psychic ability which allows us to travel outside of our physical bodies.

While we sleep, our physical body is at rest, the subconscious mind then takes control. While this is going on an individual is astral projecting, although for the most part, they will not remember doing so.

You can journey to any desired location when you astral project. You may even have done this as a child as you went to bed, as you grew into adulthood you just forgot how. No time or distance restrictions apply when astral projecting, which makes it possible to travel virtually anywhere. The astral body is what does the traveling when the person's physical body is sound asleep.

You might be wondering just what your astral body is. Your astral body is a non-physical double of your physical body which is made up of your unconscious will and desires. It's not visible to the eye, but is no less real for that. It is tied to your physical body by a silver cord to ensure that it can always find its way back to your body no matter how far away it may travel.

This silver cord was connected the first time the astral body entered the physical body and can not be severed until the astral body leaves the physical body for the last time, death. It is the silver cord that prevents the astral body from straying away.

Another question that many have is where do you go when you astral project? The astral body goes to the astral plane, which is the 'body double' of the Earth. This vibrates faster then the physical Earth and those vibrations penetrate to the Earth's core. Others define the astral plane as another dimension of reality. Most will agree though that there is more then one level to the astral plane.

It is perfectly alright at this stage if you are concerned about possible hazards in doing astral projection. The answer to this is both no and yes. We have already mentioned these facts that the astral body always returns to the physical thanks to the silver cord, also that everyone can do astral projection. You just need to make sure you have your mind right to do this though. This means that your basic thinking skills should be strong and sound, this way you will be able to know exactly what you want and even more important where you want to go.

You can find danger if your mind is not sound when you astral project. Therefore, anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol can find themselves in a crisis. These may be the lower levels of the astral plane.

This is the reason it is imperative that you understand how to do this and where you want to project to. Your goal is to do astral projection using your conscious mind. You need to have total control over your astral body and what it is doing. Your total control comes from the thoughts you think.

When engaging in astral projection it is important to prepare properly. Once you know how to prepare, you will find that astral projection is a quick and easy process.

There are many professional in the field of astral projection who teach a variety of methods for helping people gain this control to have a better experience, though many people prefer to astral project from the comfort and privacy of home.

You can find various other resources such as books online. For instance, you can create the right state of mind by listening to quality astral projection hypnosis recordings.

Recordings are some of the best ways to prepare because they all you more time than if you were preparing with the help of an in person professional. You can set the recording to play multiple times and take your time so that you are comfortable. This is especially helpful for individuals who have a hard time reaching a state of relaxation.

The use of sound technology can also be helpful in being able to reach a level of relaxation that is conductive to being able to engage in astral projection. One such technology is known as binaural beats. This technology works by alternating sound between both ears and using a variety of frequencies. This method is designed to place the body into a state of deep meditative relaxation, which is the best for astral projection.

The first few times you try to astral project, you may not succeed. Don't get discouraged.

Astral projection takes practice just like any other skill. It's a natural ability, but it does take some time and patience before you'll be an expert at it.

Things to look for are the feelings of flight or falling. Falling usually indicates the return of the astral form to the physical and flying is usually indicative of actually engaging in astral projection.

Astral projection is very real. Anyone can do it and find benefit in it. However, you do have to invest time in fine-tuning your natural ability in order to reach the kind of success you desire with astral projection. It will become easier to do once you begin your journey while projecting.

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