Monday, February 28, 2011

Regression And Who You Really Are

By Ian Sheerin

There is some speculation about reincarnation regression and if there is any significance behind it. In history there have been documented cases of various cultures and religions that have placed a focus on this concept because the soul is considered to be immortal.

This naturally leads to many different questions concerning the soul being reborn into a new body some time after the death of a previous body. Many people in fact, do experience memory recall of a past life within a different body.

Out of the many ways in which Reincarnation Regression can be achieved, hypnotism is the most commonly used.

It is believed that if a person is placed into a hypnotic trance, he or she will be taken to a higher plan that allows the to undergo a spiritual awakening. This awakening then allows the past experiences of their soul to come back.

In some cases, this allows the person the ability to explore several different lifetimes embedded in the memories. He or she may recall fundamental occurrences such as the deaths of the body associated with any particular previous lifetime. For some individuals this helps with explaining any fears they may face in their present lifetime. This is because his or her soul has experienced those deaths in the past.

Unlike popular belief, an individual in a hypnotized state is not unconscious. On the contrary his ability to focus gets channelized and enhanced which helps him zero in on recollecting memories from the depths of his subconscious.

While in the trance, the hypnotist will ask questions about the past, trying to focus on rebirths that the present soul has experienced. During this process, there are times that rather startling information is revealed. What is revealed is often the cause of triggers during the present life.

Accusing Reincarnation Regression to be a big hoax is common in part of the skeptics. But witnesses will always justify that the process is not about forcing information or implanting information as claimed by some.

During a person's first session, they are usually placed in a trance and asked some basic question in order to better understand the life they are currently experiencing.

In many recorded studies it is seen that the detailed information given therein match with another question-answer session in a later regression session though the set of questions asked are different.

Combining hypnotism with muscle testing gives us another effective way towards Reincarnation Regression. Known as Hypno-kinesiology, it tests the variances in the reflexes of the subject to learn about the past life secrets of the individual.

Some believe that this method is better for certain individuals while skeptics believe it to be just another way of making the individuals believe in the results obtained which according to them are all provoked.

For many, the clue to his past rebirth comes from day to day triggers such as a smell, a sound, a word from something on the TV. These triggers suddenly make us recall something from a life that we have lived in the past.

To some it is really scary and this is what takes us to individuals who are strongly knowledgeable in this field.

Based on our reactions and our belief system, there might be walls that are created that prevent us from opening our minds and hearts to the process of reincarnation regression. Some fear that if this is the case, then our spiritual belief system is one that contains more unanswered questions than solutions.

Thus, Reincarnation Regression should never be thought as a form of Black Magic or an evil practice that takes you away from your faith.

Rather it is a path of self enlightenment which people should undertake keeping their respective spiritual beliefs aside. Once undertaken they will realize that it is only a path of self discovery and eternal peace which will lead you to know who you really are and the reasons behind each problem and fear that you have in your present life.

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