Thursday, February 10, 2011

Remote Viewing - Alternative Methods

By Alexander Flynn

What is remote viewing? It's a psychic ability that lets you see people, places and objects even though you can't actually 'see' them with your physical eyes. That is, you can't see them by normal means, but you can use your psychic ability, which is innate, and train it to see things even though you're not actually there physically to see them with your eyes.

However, remote viewing is not the same as having an out of body experience. An out of body experience, also called 'astral travel,' is where you travel in spirit form directly to the place or event you're viewing.

Remote viewing is a form of psychic dowsing, where the viewer is using psychic power to seek out whatever he wants to find. The remote viewer is using a form of ESP to locate that which he seeks.

All of us have psychic ability, but for some of us, it may be latent. That is, if it was never fully developed when we were children, it still exists within us, but we simply don't know how to tap into it or use it. And in fact, most of us only use about 10% of our brain's power, with 90% left untouched and unused, so that its potential is wasted.

Think of how useful it could be to simply reach out and make contact with your children no matter where they are. This kind of security can be useful to any parent and this is just one way that you can use remote viewing.

Anyone can learn how to use their innate psychic abilities and remote view. In studies on remote viewing, people who had not manifested any sort of psychic abilities before were able to remote view once they had learned to reach the proper trance state needed for this ability to function.

Let's take a look at some steps you can take to try remote viewing for yourself.

*Find a comfortable chair in a quiet place and close your eyes. Make sure you're not distracted by anything like noises, television, bodily discomfort like having to go to the bathroom, and so on. You want to be completely free of distractions before you begin your remote viewing exercise.

*Breathe deep, regular breaths through your nose. Hold your tongue against the roof of your mouth to get more control over your breaths and prevent yawning.

*Believe in yourself and your remote viewing abilities. You need to tell yourself that you can and will be able to remotely view things which your senses would not let you normally perceive.

*Start with a target that you know very well. Many people work up to this by picturing themselves. Instead of picturing yourself like a mirror, think about how you might appear to other people. It can take some time to work yourself up to the right kind of picture, but when you do this, remember to be patient with yourself. It can be a surprisingly enlightening phase to see yourself as others do, and without a doubt, many people learn things about themselves that they never knew before.

*After being able to view yourself remotely, it's time to start looking a little farther afield. Try remote viewing a place which you are familiar with. You could try viewing a relative's home or your office. Look for the details and once you've finished your remote viewing session, call and ask if the things you've seen are as you saw them in your remote viewing. This is important, since you'll be able to know how you're progressing with your remote viewing training.

It is possible to amend these remote viewing exercises to include two people so that you'll have your feedback and results much more quickly. Instead of viewing places or people you want to see, have a friend sit in another room and repeat a simple movement, like a hand wave or pulling hair. Try to determine through your remote viewing exercises what action your friend is repeating and compare notes to get your results.

You may also find that once you've spent some time practicing remote viewing techniques, it's much easier to get into a relaxed state than it has been previously. That's because this is very much like the 'trancelike' state people can access when they are being hypnotized. Under hypnosis, you are still very much awake, but your body is very relaxed and you are much more easily able to tap into your subconscious mind.

If you are new to tapping into your psychic abilities, you can access them much more easily by your subconscious. The more you work on getting good at your remote viewing techniques, the better you'll get at them.

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