Friday, February 11, 2011

How to Describe Mindpower

By Lucille Oberman

Some experts have said that we actually only use about 10% of our minds' total potential. Imagine what would be like, then, if we could access the 90% of mind power that currently remains dormant. We could truly have incredible results.

Whether born with extra sensory or psychic powers, scientists believe these are powers people were able to access within their own minds. Whether they had been born with these increased mindpower abilities or they were developed throughout life.

Even though it's not fully understood what process is used in increased mind power, the latest advances in quantum physics are starting to reveal the link of what we think and what we actually experience that is real in life.

Studies show that our minds may be able to change the world more than the world can change our minds!

Popular books like 'The Secret' explain the idea that people can use their mindpower to change the world around them through what is called the law of attraction.

This principle states that there are causes and effects to everything, even our own thoughts can bring about tangible effects if directed properly. It all relies on being able to get your conscious mind to communicate to your subconscious in order to use your latent mindpower to achieve results.

So the subconscious mind is not only responsible for all of the esp powers such as telepathy, remote viewing, and precognition, it also reacts with the 'universe' or what some call the 'universal consciousness', to manifest your desires.

The key to developing your own mind power is to communicate directly with your subconscious mind and make sure it's 'in sync' with what you want. How do you do this, though? There are several ways you can do this.

Practice using affirmations:- Most people know what affirmations are and how to use them. If you repeat a positive phrase to yourself several times a day, your subconscious mind eventually believes that message and changes you reality as a result.

Affirmations can be used to help you become more confident. Try something along the lines of 'I am a confident person who people respect'. You can also use affirmations to help you rid yourself of bad habits with a saying like 'I would never put off my routine of daily exercise'.

With consistent repetition affirmations really do work. You communicate with your subconscious mind, telling it to do something different and it does! It makes you behave differently.

This works with everything in life. If you can put it in your mind in a positive way, and really store it in your subconscious mind you will change your life. You can make it all reality. Realize that everything you'd like to see change, will change and it really will.

Visualization:- You can also develop your mindpower using visualization. Visualization consists of closing your eyes and picturing the things you want to happen in your mind's eye. Your subconscious mind responds to the images which you focus your thoughts on and begins using your mindpower to make them a reality. You can visualize anything you want and with practice, you'll increase your mindpower and make it possible.

And you can also visualize yourself having psychic powers. Visualize yourself communicating using telepathy. See yourself being able to see into the future, or view remotely. Using mindpower whatever you want to happen will.

Participate in hypnosis:- Hypnosis is another way you can communicate with your subconscious and therefore develop your mind's power. You can visit a hypnotherapist or professional hypnotist, and he or she will begin your sessions by totally relaxing you and then offering your subconscious direct messages, which you'll remember when you come out of hypnosis.

A less expensive way to hypnotize yourself into that state, is self hypnotizing. That is when you listen to a recording of a hypnotherapist going through the steps they go through in their session. The great thing about self hypnotizing yourself is that you can do it on a consistent basis, and the more you do anything the more powerful it can become.

Using brainwave entrainment:- Brainwave entrainment is a relatively new technology that utilizes audio to synchronize spring race. This instantly changes your brainwaves to a particular frequency. This can result in positive changes in many ways. For example, you may improve your memory, or at another frequency you may release endorphins so that you can alleviate pain and free yourself.

You can also use brainwave entrainment to access a meditative state very quickly so that you can communicate with your subconscious mind and therefore develop your mind power and bring it to fruition.

You can also listen to frequencies which are designed to build mindpower by stimulating the chakras " the energy centers located throughout the human body. The 'third eye' chakra located in the forehead is especially important, since this is the chakra which is responsible for psychic powers.

There are psychic powers which are latent in all of us. However, your mindpower needs to be enhanced before these abilities can be unlocked and developed. Otherwise, these capabilities remain deep in the subconscious and are unused.

Therefore, if we talk about developing mind power, we really mean that we unlock all of our own latent powers, for each and every person.

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