Thursday, February 17, 2011

Remember The Past To Plan Your Future

By Bernier Walker

Do you feel unwanted? Are you suffering from addiction of any sort? Are you always being bullied or victimized for a reason you doesn't even know? Do you have anger issues? How about your relationships, are they good? Do you seem to lack something even though you almost have everything? You have probably not even considered Regression Therapy before.

Does any of this sound familiar? If it does then regression therapy is definitely something that you can try out. It may help you to find the answers you've been seeking, and may help you live a better life. That makes it worth it, doesn't it?

Regression therapy is said to bring someone out of the darkness and confusion they have been living in, and shedding some light on their life. It involves taking a person back through their lives and bringing them to terms with things that have happened. Despite it being a form of hypnosis, the person is fully conscious during this.

These past experiences also involve events of adulthood, early childhood, adolescence, and even the time spent in the womb of his mother.

Past Life Regression Therapy that only concentrates on past life transports the client back before their conception to the clients previous life.

This idea of having had previous lives is very difficult for most people to come to terms with, but there is actually overwhelming evidence to suggest that this present life is just one of many which we experience.

Often during therapy people talk about far off places and wars. Some people even go back to prehistoric times and talk about hunting mammoth. Often people in your present life are there as well but your relationship to them will be different. For example your mother may be your daughter or your sister.

Clients, who have undergone this Regression Therapy spoke of life as an official in a foreign kingdom; clearly and vividly describing the experiences of fighting in a war; hunting in the Stone Age and of having the same partner then, as now in the present.

There are also startling reports around the world of children who can accurately remember their recent past lives and get to meet people still living that they were once related to.

Knowing what happened in the past can help us understand why we feel the way we do about certain areas of our life. It helps us understand ourselves more completely and our patterns of behavior.

Regression therapists have coined a phrase of 'Faulty Thoughts'. These thoughts are the negative ones created in a person's past life or lives, which turns into emotional baggage and also bad karma in the life they presently lead.

The only person who can get rid of these thoughts and emotions is the person themself. The negative energy of the past needs to be replaced with positive energy and it only with the acceptance that this negative energy comes from the past that this can be done.You need to forgive whoever caused your pain in the past. This is known as Karmic repayment and re-patterning.

The forgiveness part of this have a biblical basis as in 'Do to others as you would have them do to you.' The karmic repayment, (based on the word karma (which is neither good nor evil; it is the uttering of our mentality that tells us what we should be doing because of results of our past actions), means correctly changing your negative behavioral patterns with the purpose of repaying them.

Only through using these measures to correct things are we able to do the proper re patterning of our energy fields and turn them to positives of care, harmony, tranquility, and gentleness.

Although sometimes tiring, Regression Therapy is said to be life changing. Most clients say this procedure resulted as a positive attitude, renewed outlook of life and becoming a stronger person.

To reach this result though all clients must vow a firm commitment to understand himself completely and vow to change the expectation he has about his life.

Regression therapy is an intriguing idea, and if you are experiencing troubles in your life, it could be very helpful. On the other hand, you may just be curious about who or what you were in another life, whatever the reason you should sincerely think about trying it.

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