Monday, February 28, 2011

Regression And Who You Really Are

By Ian Sheerin

There is some speculation about reincarnation regression and if there is any significance behind it. In history there have been documented cases of various cultures and religions that have placed a focus on this concept because the soul is considered to be immortal.

This naturally leads to many different questions concerning the soul being reborn into a new body some time after the death of a previous body. Many people in fact, do experience memory recall of a past life within a different body.

Out of the many ways in which Reincarnation Regression can be achieved, hypnotism is the most commonly used.

It is believed that if a person is placed into a hypnotic trance, he or she will be taken to a higher plan that allows the to undergo a spiritual awakening. This awakening then allows the past experiences of their soul to come back.

In some cases, this allows the person the ability to explore several different lifetimes embedded in the memories. He or she may recall fundamental occurrences such as the deaths of the body associated with any particular previous lifetime. For some individuals this helps with explaining any fears they may face in their present lifetime. This is because his or her soul has experienced those deaths in the past.

Unlike popular belief, an individual in a hypnotized state is not unconscious. On the contrary his ability to focus gets channelized and enhanced which helps him zero in on recollecting memories from the depths of his subconscious.

While in the trance, the hypnotist will ask questions about the past, trying to focus on rebirths that the present soul has experienced. During this process, there are times that rather startling information is revealed. What is revealed is often the cause of triggers during the present life.

Accusing Reincarnation Regression to be a big hoax is common in part of the skeptics. But witnesses will always justify that the process is not about forcing information or implanting information as claimed by some.

During a person's first session, they are usually placed in a trance and asked some basic question in order to better understand the life they are currently experiencing.

In many recorded studies it is seen that the detailed information given therein match with another question-answer session in a later regression session though the set of questions asked are different.

Combining hypnotism with muscle testing gives us another effective way towards Reincarnation Regression. Known as Hypno-kinesiology, it tests the variances in the reflexes of the subject to learn about the past life secrets of the individual.

Some believe that this method is better for certain individuals while skeptics believe it to be just another way of making the individuals believe in the results obtained which according to them are all provoked.

For many, the clue to his past rebirth comes from day to day triggers such as a smell, a sound, a word from something on the TV. These triggers suddenly make us recall something from a life that we have lived in the past.

To some it is really scary and this is what takes us to individuals who are strongly knowledgeable in this field.

Based on our reactions and our belief system, there might be walls that are created that prevent us from opening our minds and hearts to the process of reincarnation regression. Some fear that if this is the case, then our spiritual belief system is one that contains more unanswered questions than solutions.

Thus, Reincarnation Regression should never be thought as a form of Black Magic or an evil practice that takes you away from your faith.

Rather it is a path of self enlightenment which people should undertake keeping their respective spiritual beliefs aside. Once undertaken they will realize that it is only a path of self discovery and eternal peace which will lead you to know who you really are and the reasons behind each problem and fear that you have in your present life.

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Can Everyone Use The Power Of Mind?

By Sandra Proctor

All of us remember the commercials of the 80s; or at the very least, we remember its slogan: 'the mind is a terrible thing to waste'. While we're talking about something different than going to university today, the slogan is definitely on point here.

Your mind power is more amazing than you can imagine; the biggest reason for this is because you can change the landscape of your entire life if you can unleash this power of mind.

The subconscious mind has unbelievable power hidden within it. If you've had the opportunity to watch, 'The Secret' you realized the potential and possibly used it to your advantage. This uses the idea of the 'power of mind'.

The main point is that your mind will manifest whatever you think about. What most people don't realize is that this happens whether you actively make it happen or not. So start to use the power of mind consciously and choose the life you want!

If you're having a hard time believing it, here is a great example of mind power at work. Many medical research performed involves the subconscious mind and the Placebo Effect. This is where you have a couple groups that are formed from volunteers that are paid for going through the experiment. They all suffer from the same problem, but separated into 2 groups and given two different pills. One group is given the real medicine and the other is given a placebo. The best part about it is neither group knows that one of them is getting something different. Then the medical team studies the results.

It really is true that people can 'think' themselves better. Conversely they can 'think' themselves ill.

It's just one of the many ways we can prove how powerful the subconscious mind can alter your life. Have you ever got up in the morning and decided that it was going to be a dreadful day and that is what happened?

The truth of the matter is, it does happen for a reason. It's because of you and your mind is programmed throughout each day.

There has actually been a lot of hard scientific evidence to back this up. Quantum mechanics explains that at the subatomic level there is no such thing as matter; it is just energy. Experiments have shown that incredibly this 'energy' only exists because it is being observed. That means that it only exists because of the mind of the observer; this the real power of the mind!

In fact everything, even so called 'supernatural' powers can be explained in terms of quantum physics and the power of the mind. Understand that your mind is what creates everything around you.

So to sum it up nothing is real! Everything we experience, everything we see, hear and feel was created by our subconscious thoughts. It sure seems real but it is all a creation of our mind power.

Although you may not even have considered it before; learning how to use the power of your mind is vitally important to having a great life! Obviously it is better to have your assets working for you instead of working against you.

Let us take a look at the steps needed to direct your mind power to creating what you want.

Initially there must be a goal set in our mind and it must be done in a scrupulous way. The goal however should not contain anything that is not clear. If it is a amount of money that we have set in our mind, the amount must be clearly etched in our thoughts. After this we must drive all our thoughts and mind activities to this goal and will soon see the result.

Pull yourself away from distracting influences. Keep that effort constant. Try to clear your mind of the usual pattern of thirty different thoughts running at once.

All those who already understand the power of their mind constantly work towards their goals. There is no room for being stagnate and just wishing things would be better.

Since their minds are in control and they are putting all of their resources towards attaining their goals, they make it a reality. It all sounds so easy, but it is not quite as easy as it may seem.

So make the decision to completely change your life by changing the way your subconscious mind contructs reality. Now say for example you want your dream home. You want it so much that it is almost an obsession. Your thoughts are filled with it all the time. Imagine yourself painting the master bedroom and landscaping the gardens.

You need to focus everything on getting that house. Deciding on what color paint you are going to buy. Enquire about the best deal for a mortgage even if you feel it is beyond your reach at the moment.

Then as if by magic your dream home comes onto the market at a price you can afford. Somehow everything just comes together and it is yours! So everything you did, all of the energy that you directed at getting that house has paid off.

This is something that any of us has the ability to do. When you learn to tap into the power of the mind, you can use it to achieve nearly anything in life. The important thing is to start small and then work your way up to ever bigger and better things until you've accomplished everything you want to in life.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fantastic Selections: Making Your personal one

By Amelia M. Deborath

If you need to build your art collection, you need to do so in an intelligent manner. That is so that whatever you buy for your collection wouldn't be regarded as as a waste of money. However, collecting art intelligibly would require you to master a pair of things. First, is to have good research skills, and second the skill of collecting.

Starting Around the Thought Of Collecting

Generally, as many people do, you'd probably have the knowledge of buying art on a piece-per-piece basis, yet still might not be thinking of plans like making multiple achievements as time passes by, or simply, accumulating an assortment.

Though it is possible to find artworks that you like anywhere you decide to go, and get to select from an outstanding diversity of subject matters, mediums, and selling prices; this can nonetheless be confusing and intimidating, especially if you're still starting. Questions such as: "How exactly would you push your way through and choose which direction to make an entrance?" "How are you able to relate one buy to another?"; "How in the event you group or organize your art?"; "Are there ways of presenting it?"; and lastly "How can you fit everything in in an excellent manner?"; can come play in your mind.

However, when you get these queries off you head then you'll get to view the real meaning of "collection", that is the key case of controlled and purposeful buying.

The truly amazing Collections

Great collectors are extensively respected in most cases as popular as the artworks they collect; such as the Rockefeller collection, the Chrysler collection, as well as the Phillips collection, to name some. Such collectors are famous since they demonstrate a whole lot of talent when choosing and organizing their art, just like the performers are in making the masterpiece. Similarly, each piece of art in one great collection orders first-class attention as well as a first-rate price not only because the piece is nice, but also of the name of the business it bears.

How Great Is 'Great'?

So how exactly do great collectors become great? Well, experts believe that it is primarily the skill of being able to categorize specific artworks in the billions of works existing and assemble them in this manner aiming to advance or increase other's understanding of such particular art or of art's evolution generally.

For any kind of mature collection, the whole thing, as an organization, becomes greater than the worthiness of the various components. Thus, the collector becomes accepted to be a respected authority inside the matter as well as in outstanding cases continues until he's the one that sets the standards, establishes the trends, and influences the near future of art collecting for those.

This is how meaningful and influencing great art collections can be. All of it starts from your single piece of art, until the whole collection itself becomes another artwork from its components.

The initial step To Greatness

No matter how the truth is your collecting, whether recreational or serious, you can find methods that you could utilize to get the most out of not merely the worthiness and quality of your art, but in addition your personal appreciation, enjoyment, and understanding of your art.

Thus, you have to know that your starting point to greatness will be real to your tastes. If you want to be considered a really great collector someday, then acknowledging and accepting that you like specific types of art without considering what other people say or what is popular on the market, is the right thing to do.

Remember, in collecting, you're making an artwork too that is composed of different specific pieces. How you'll design your artwork is entirely up to you and never how many other people think. So if you'll be collecting, be sure to put your heart on it!

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Getting Rawhide And Its Specific Appropriate Functions

By Teresa Elliott

The early Americans utilizes rawhide and rawhide uses are shields, drum heads, lace, lamp shades, furniture, wraps, and much more. Rawhide is very firm as it has not been tanned; it has only been de-haired and cured. Soak it in water for molding, cutting and shaping. It dries, stiffens and holds its shape.

Rawhide equals frequently and mistakenly called leather. Rawhide has been used for many other purposes for thousands of years. Rawhide is made by scraping the skin thin, soaking it in lime, and then stretching it while it dries.

The making out of rawhide is stiffer and less hardened than other forms of leather, and is mainly found in uses such as drum heads or western furniture where it does not need to flex significantly. It is also cut up into strips for use in lacing or stitching, or for making many varieties of the dog chews or bones.

Rawhide was utilized to bring in par fleches (envelope-like containers), moccasin soles and ropes. Rawhide is what you commonly see on Native American drums, par fleches, etc. Rawhide is animal hide, which has been dried (by salting). Rawhide is used to make everything from clothing and personal items to building materials, furniture, and tools.

Rawhide is the unprocessed hide of an animal that persists in its natural state. Numerous companies use rawhide to make low-friction, high-impact, soft face hammers and mallets. These mallets are excellent for tooling and stamping oak craft leather.

Prepared rawhide can be purchased at some large craft stores, saddlery shops or leather distributors such as Leather Unlimited. Set up rawhide may include rawhide goatskin. Rawhide drum covers, rawhide pigskin, rawhide lace, and many additional products.

Making your own rawhide is much easier than tanning a hide for the novice, and is quite affordable. Once this is done, turning a raw skin into rawhide is a reasonably simple process. If you want to save it for later use, once the rawhide is dry, roll it gently and tie with a lace for storage. When you are ready to use the rawhide, soak it again in a five gallon bucket until it is soft again, usually about fifteen to twenty-four hours, depending on the thickness of the hide. If you soak a piece of rawhide, then something comes up, and you aren't prepared to use it when you planned, you can keep it hydrated for a couple of days, and it won't hurt it as long as you change the water at least once a day, depending on the temperature. Rawhide is really just skin that has been dehaired, and it has many varied uses.

Chances to work on such crafts as drums, rawhide making, rawhide tanning, cradles, moccasins and many other enchanting primitive technologies are great craft projects. First it must be converted to "rawhide". Once tanned, the rawhide achieves the soft substance of leather that we are acquainted. Dog chews toys are a good source of rawhide if you do not need large pieces. Why do you think we call it "rawhide"? : Rawhide is "raw" because it has not been tanned. Most of the leather we use today is tanned leather, but rawhide is still practiced making many products even though it is not technically tanned.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Giving and Receiving Dragon Figurines

By Chloe Gib

It is not surprising that dragon figurines are hugely popular all around the world as they represent ancient stories familiar to entire nations. They also represent wisdom and long life, so they are seen as mystical objects that both bring luck and remind the owner of their perceived place in the world.

These ancient creatures feature in stories that are so old they cannot be traced back to their roots. They are mostly thought to be like a lizard or a snake. Many stories and paintings feature them exhaling flames and being attracted to treasure.

European depictions tend to show the creature with wings and living in cavernous areas. People in these cultures think of them as unsympathetic and dangerous. The main contrast to this in European forms is the red dragon of Wales that is shown on the national flag. In comparison, Chinese-Asian depictions are shown as being able to take on human forms and capable of being more understanding and willing to show kindness.

Memorabilia and artistic figures are widely available from internet sites, shops and markets in areas which revere these well-known stories, and are often given as gifts to represent a broad variety of subjects. They can be given to bring luck and wisdom in some cultures and are seen as precious family heirlooms that will be displayed throughout the home. As this image is representative of Welsh independence, examples are prominently displayed as a selling feature of Welsh products, especially when there is a national event such as a football or rugby tournament.

Eastern spiritual outlooks are widely practiced in Western countries and so both simple and expensive collectibles are popular. They are felt to remind the owner of the loss and reinstatement of old and often suppressed knowledge. This means that people often collect depictions, either as pieces of art or as souvenirs of a type of mysticism or knowledge discovered. The game 'Dungeons and Dragons' has hugely contributed to the collection of this type of figurine, with 20 million people having played the game and US merchandise amounting to over a billion dollars.

The army term 'dragoon' was named after the weapon which spat flame which because of this characteristic was named after the creature. Figurines are sometimes owned as representative reminders by those with an interest in military and historical affairs.

Ornamental figurines can range in size, material and intricacy. They can be 'sit alone' figures to be displayed as an artwork on a mantelpiece, or sometimes used as garden ornaments. Purchases can be made for children, where plastic is used and the intent is to be played with, or for adults where metals are commonly used but wood carvings are also highly prized.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Use Astral Projection To Leave Your Body

By Elizabeth Curtin

You've almost certainly at least heard of astral projection before. You might have learned of it from a book or movie or perhaps a friend has been talking about it. While you know the term and maybe even have an idea of what it is, what you probably don't know is that this is not something which only happens in fiction.

Astral projection is real and it's something which anyone can learn to do. In fact, you've probably already astral projected and were unaware of it.

Astral projection is a psychic ability which allows us to travel outside of our physical bodies.

While we sleep, our physical body is at rest, the subconscious mind then takes control. While this is going on an individual is astral projecting, although for the most part, they will not remember doing so.

You can journey to any desired location when you astral project. You may even have done this as a child as you went to bed, as you grew into adulthood you just forgot how. No time or distance restrictions apply when astral projecting, which makes it possible to travel virtually anywhere. The astral body is what does the traveling when the person's physical body is sound asleep.

You might be wondering just what your astral body is. Your astral body is a non-physical double of your physical body which is made up of your unconscious will and desires. It's not visible to the eye, but is no less real for that. It is tied to your physical body by a silver cord to ensure that it can always find its way back to your body no matter how far away it may travel.

This silver cord was connected the first time the astral body entered the physical body and can not be severed until the astral body leaves the physical body for the last time, death. It is the silver cord that prevents the astral body from straying away.

Another question that many have is where do you go when you astral project? The astral body goes to the astral plane, which is the 'body double' of the Earth. This vibrates faster then the physical Earth and those vibrations penetrate to the Earth's core. Others define the astral plane as another dimension of reality. Most will agree though that there is more then one level to the astral plane.

It is perfectly alright at this stage if you are concerned about possible hazards in doing astral projection. The answer to this is both no and yes. We have already mentioned these facts that the astral body always returns to the physical thanks to the silver cord, also that everyone can do astral projection. You just need to make sure you have your mind right to do this though. This means that your basic thinking skills should be strong and sound, this way you will be able to know exactly what you want and even more important where you want to go.

You can find danger if your mind is not sound when you astral project. Therefore, anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol can find themselves in a crisis. These may be the lower levels of the astral plane.

This is the reason it is imperative that you understand how to do this and where you want to project to. Your goal is to do astral projection using your conscious mind. You need to have total control over your astral body and what it is doing. Your total control comes from the thoughts you think.

When engaging in astral projection it is important to prepare properly. Once you know how to prepare, you will find that astral projection is a quick and easy process.

There are many professional in the field of astral projection who teach a variety of methods for helping people gain this control to have a better experience, though many people prefer to astral project from the comfort and privacy of home.

You can find various other resources such as books online. For instance, you can create the right state of mind by listening to quality astral projection hypnosis recordings.

Recordings are some of the best ways to prepare because they all you more time than if you were preparing with the help of an in person professional. You can set the recording to play multiple times and take your time so that you are comfortable. This is especially helpful for individuals who have a hard time reaching a state of relaxation.

The use of sound technology can also be helpful in being able to reach a level of relaxation that is conductive to being able to engage in astral projection. One such technology is known as binaural beats. This technology works by alternating sound between both ears and using a variety of frequencies. This method is designed to place the body into a state of deep meditative relaxation, which is the best for astral projection.

The first few times you try to astral project, you may not succeed. Don't get discouraged.

Astral projection takes practice just like any other skill. It's a natural ability, but it does take some time and patience before you'll be an expert at it.

Things to look for are the feelings of flight or falling. Falling usually indicates the return of the astral form to the physical and flying is usually indicative of actually engaging in astral projection.

Astral projection is very real. Anyone can do it and find benefit in it. However, you do have to invest time in fine-tuning your natural ability in order to reach the kind of success you desire with astral projection. It will become easier to do once you begin your journey while projecting.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Top Ten Green Listed Countries - Bids A Success For Costa Rica

By Adam Evans

The green listing of Costa Rica among the top ten countries bids a fighting fit for its tourism and the real estate industry. Definitely it is a matter of pride for the citizens of Costa Rica to be placed above United States and United Kingdom by the Yale researchers in the environment listing. The real estate developers like Edward R. Mercer with his own real estate company providing a variety of ecological friendly and customizable homes by means of its competent team of designers, engineers and architects are absolutely going to see a sky rocketing blast in the coming years as people all over the world shall seek greener pastures of Costa Rica as never before. In addition, Ed has already hailed the advent of the new international airport that is scheduled to be completed perhaps in 2010 as well as the recent opening of a new hospital. This shall surely add more forward motion on Ed's businesses and the businesses of those individuals around.

Edward R. Mercer is one of the largest real estate developers in Costa Rica. Ed has recently been inducted into the Environmental Hall of Fame for pioneering efforts to save the wild life species (of scarlet macaws, white faced monkeys and sea turtles) by promoting tight security. The employees of Ed's company planted thousands of almond trees to add to the biodiversity of the region. By the pioneering efforts of Ed, not only the population of the threatened species increased significantly, a part of every sale of Ed's real estate company goes into ecological projects. Ed was a young millionaire at the age of 27.Still, his Edward R. Mercer foundation is devoted to the betterment of the planet by conserving the ecology. Ed met up with the President of Costa Rica to discuss the alliance project for new humanity. The humanitarian issues have always been close to Ed's heart. Ed has been associated with the welfare of the children and battered housewives. Simultaneously, Ed is the member of Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund.

The company of Ed Mercer absolutely provides an environmental friendly house that meets the strictest of the environment standards. The team of Ed Mercer not only takes the customers for a thorough trip but also allows custom made homes as per requests. Now if you are looking for a dream home in a charming place which is definitely an environment friendly one, come to Costa Rica after retirement, or even build a second house now and constantly make up for rental incomes. The world class team of Ed Mercer comprising engineers and architects ensures that your dream home, its unique features highlighted perfectly comes as true as it is.

Moreover, not only the population of the threatened species increased significantly, but a part of every sale of Ed's real estate company goes into ecological projects. Moreover, Edward R. Mercer foundation is devoted to the betterment of the planet by conserving the ecology as still. The humanitarian issues have always been close to Ed's heart. Ed has been associated with the welfare of the children and battered housewives. Ed met up with the President of Costa Rica to discuss the alliance project for new humanity.

The President, Oscar Arias Sanchez, said that Costa Rica was proud to be a global leader in environmental conservation and protection. The top five spots have been dominated by countries like Switzerland as well as other wealthy Scandinavian countries and Costa Rica came first in Latin American group. The country was placed well among industrialized nations on the official environment performance index.

Colombia came second after Costa Rica among the Latin American countries. US came on position 39 while UK scored 14th position of the 149 countries included in the index. Adding another feather in its cap, Costa Rica has cut or decreased its imports of ozone depleting gases substantially. It imported only 30 tons of chloro fluoro carbons last year as compared to 105 tons of CFCs in year 2004.

This makes the business of Ed Mercer and his employees a feasible location for the ecological friendly home owner to be.

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Arguments Why You Must Buy Theatre Tickets Through a Web Site

By Alfonso Hinton

An evening at one of the beautiful and renowned theatres in London is a wonderful way to enjoy an evening out. A great place to live for the performing arts buff, a wealth of shows that are highly acclaimed come through the area on a regular basis. A problem for many is that theatre tickets London often cost a pretty penny. No longer is the cost of tickets a prohibiting factor in allowing you to see as many of the shows that pass through as you'd like.

You no longer have to pay full price for the vast majority of London theatre tickets. Through the use of the internet, with just a few simple clicks of your mouse, you will be on your way to sites that allow you to compare theatre ticket prices across a number of different ticket selling agencies, as well as for different dates and times of the show. These are vital resources that will to compare London theatre tickets to find the best deals for the shows you want to take in. These shows range from funny and quirky to serious and compelling. If you have an interest in theatre, but have found the prices to be the end of your interest, check out these online comparison sites today. If your interest in theatre was squelched as soon as you saw the ticket prices, be sure to look into the many online ticket comparison sites available. These comparison sites quickly show you where the cheapest places for London show tickets are.

Wonderful tools, these comparison sites show you the best places to find where the cheapest London show tickets are. There are so many places to find cheap London theatre tickets, as well as discounts on many of the different shows that come through the entire UK, so don't pay full price any longer. One of the best known and acclaimed theatres in London, a West End show, is often out of the price range for even the most avid of performing arts fans. The shows that play here are no longer out of reach as there are places online that offer discount West End theatre tickets, making this renowned experience accessible to most. No matter where you are looking for theatre tickets in the UK, these comparison sites are the best place to go to find the best deals possible.

Now, thanks to the internet, and the free comparison sites it offers, you can take advantage of significant savings and start enjoying the beauty and splendor of the performing arts. You can gain access to some of the best deals on theatre tickets with just a few simple clicks of your mouse. Whether you want to take in the latest and most popular show, or are into smaller, more alternative productions, these comparison sites offer discount tickets for venues both large and small. Why continue to pay full price?

For your perusal, there are a large number of these comparison sites for you to choose from. Use these sites to your advantage and allow yourself, and your family, the wonderful privilege of seeing some excellent theatre productions at prices that won't break the bank.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Tie Dyed Bday Gathering

By Jarrett Hyde

If you are seeking an terrific birthday celebration party concept how about having a hog tie dyed fantastic time? Tie dye was all the rage back inside the 1960's and appears to be generating a rather lengthy come back having a couple of fun variations of course. This is often a party that can be proper for all types of children and lots of different ages. Should you be having a party that can consist of boys and girls this is unquestionably a fantastic possibility to consider for party entertainment as well as to center the entire party around.

First of all, the 1960's produced some terrific music that makes the best backdrop for your tie dying along with other activities. You usually do not have to have to limit your artistic flair to shirts in this instance however, be positive to have plenty of paper, paint, pens, pencils, and crayons about to keep the artistic bent up and running throughout the whole party. If you have a swimming pool it might be a great idea to let every person play in the pool though the shirts are setting or pursue some other sort of enjoyable activity in the meantime for instance a movie or an additional craft project.

1 wonderful craft project would be a groovy photo frame for each and every guest to spot a picture of himself or herself wearing their tie dyed creation using the birthday celebration girl or boy. It's an excellent keepsake and will pass slightly of the time throughout the party. You can also have them work on a scrapbook of the party and let every single one to take 1 property with them (this is frequently even more appealing to the girls than the guys) or hand painting headbands or bandanas to match their tie dyed tees.

We've discussed the activities and also the music now let's talk about the menu. You can make a tie dyed tee shirt cake should you be feeling pretty ambitious or get 1 from your favorite nearby bakery should you be excellent at describing what you would like and place your order far adequate ahead of time. You can actually have fun permitting each and every guest to develop his or her own psychedelic pizza. You would make the dough needless to say and permit them to decorate the pizza with sauce, veggies, pepperoni, and/or ham. It is quite a bit of fun, excellent food and something that will make the party slightly bit special. You might also wish to have plenty of good snack foods on hands such as chips, sausage rolls, pigs in blankets, sloppy Joes, fruits, cake, and groovy chocolate chip cookies if you ever want to be the grooviest mom of the day.

Be sure to play beneficial music and laugh lots. You must also make a point of getting photographs of all party guests in their operates of art, a pair of jeans, and bare feet. It is going to be a cool memory and a lot of fun. This can be a party that is cool to have in nearly any season (minus the pool in winter in most places of course) and any place. Be careful though as you happen to be operating with dye. You want to make certain that the location you might be working in is well ventilated and that you simply safeguard your flooring and any furniture in the region (clear plastic drop clothes work wonders for protecting floors and furniture from dye and paint).

This could be the type of party that's not merely a fantastic deal of fun for you personally as the parent but also for all of the kids that are invited. Everyone gets to take just a little some thing cool house with them and they get to work with their hands and imaginations to generate some thing unique that is all their personal. As far as parties go, this is one of the coolest to have, in particular for those hard to impress and please teenagers that seem to take over our attractive little babies following about 13 years though it can be appropriate for younger youngsters at the same time.

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Finding Safe and Non-Toxic Toys for Babies

By Bennetta Elliott

It is the general consensus of baby experts that babies should be given toys to play with. The first reason for this is that for them, playtime is also learning time and the tasks that infants need to learn are best learned by playing with toys

During infancy, much of the growth is focused on the muscles and the bones. That is why the rate of growth during those years is much faster than at a later age. It is necessary that babies have all the nutrients that their muscles and bones will need to develop normally. But it is equally as important that they have the means and the tools to train those muscles and bones to perform tasks such as keeping their balance and handling objects.

.The mental faculties of infants are not yet capable of inventing ways for them to willfully stimulate their growth. Instead of that, they are endowed with intensely inquisitive natures which lead them to touch, smell and manipulate everything they see and can reach. It is this 'meddling' nature of babies that we have to use to teach them the skills they need to learn.

Obviously, the toys that we give to infants should be without surfaces that can physically harm the infant. The two main things to avoid in toys are pointed shapes and sharp edges on the toys themselves. The overall contour of the toy should not be elongated either. The best ones to get will be rounded.

Balls and rounded hoops are perfectly safe for the baby to handle and play with. For the first year and a half, do not give the baby box-type toys, particularly if the corners of the box are pointed.

Carefully consider the paint that was used on the baby toy. Inorganic paints have chemical ingredients which, even after the paint has dried, continue to discharge harmful chemicals into the air for some time. Also, the fact that babies are prone to put things in their mouths or to lick on their toys makes inorganic paints an unsafe choice. Besides inorganic dyes, you also need to look out for flammable ones. In that regard, most inorganic dyes are flammable.

It is absolutely necessary to inquire about the coloring substance used on a toy before purchasing it. Insist on toys painted with water based dyes. Those are the ones that are usually organic and non-flammable. The water-based paints are latex and milk paint.

Latex (which is really the sap of certain trees) is the binder that is used in latex paints. Binders fix the dye on the surface that was painted. In nature, the sap is not poisonous. When dried, it is not flammable. Therefore toys painted with latex are safe for babies., within normal usage.

Milk paints are even safer than latex for use on babies' toys. This type of dye has been used for hundreds of years and has begun to enjoy increasing popularity today. Specifically you expect to find milk protein, clay, lime and organic pigments in milk protein. As always, you should be sure the baby is not allergic to either latex or milk.
Doc No214-BE-ULT5-fb14

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Release Your Subconscious Mind

By Terri Robson

Have you ever considered what it is like to be clairvoyant? In fact everyone has latent clairvoyance powers which can be developed with a bit of effort on your part.

In fact, you can, because clairvoyance is really just an ability, one that almost anyone can develop if they spend enough time on it and work hard enough at it. And so, it's a very good bet that you can develop your own clairvoyant skills, too, just by following a plan.

The first step it to clearly understand what clairvoyance truly is and how it works. Some assume it is a psychic power but it is not as complex as that.

Some of these skills involve intuitive knowledge that may not be clear to the immediate human eye. However, it becomes important to look beneath the surface in order to develop the skills needed to understand clairvoyant skills.

In order to really develop clairvoyance for yourself, you need to understand what it entails and the positives it can bring your life. Ascertaining this will lead towards the effort to develop the skill and properly utilize the skill.

To develop your clairvoyant skills, you'll first have to become more sensitive to things you can't see, smell, touch, or taste around you. In other words, you won't be able to access them with your five senses, but there are energies that you can pick up on. We all can, but most often, we discount them and call them so much rubbish. Because you are this sensitive, though, you'll also need to be able to avoid things with negative energies or negative 'vibes.' That means, places, people and things that have negative energies may affect you in a negative way.

Of course, there are sometimes things that are going to be impossible to avoid, but in most cases, you can do something to help you 'break' any negative energy up that has a hold on you even if you have to encounter. If you do this, you'll be better off overall.

Thankfully, there are a number of basic things you can do right away to help develop these much needed clairvoyant skills. Getting rid of all negative possessions would be a solid first step. If something presents you with negative vibes, be sure to rid yourself of it. Removing such things from your life will have a very positive overall effect.

Next, you are going to want to begin a meditation routine. Find a place that you can safely and securely mediate for at least 30 minutes each day, and then make sure that you do it. It should be your quiet time, and you shouldn't let anything interfere with it. Your general life can get in the way of your clairvoyance, so be sure that you are able to find some time to meditate.

When you launch your new mediation venture, try and clear your life of things that are negative. This way you can become more in tune with your feelings. This can also contribute to your ability to maintain a chakra balance. For those not familiar with this, chakra energy is critical to the development of a proper mindset and harmonious state of being. That is why chakra music is so helpful.

Then there is another way out if one is not willing to try out with the charka meditation. One can easily try out visualization of colors and positioning of different charkas at different parts of the body.These include:

Red; Near to the base of the spine. Orange chakra; just below the naval. Yellow chakra; just above the naval. Green chakra; center of chest. Blue chakra; throat area. Indigo; forehead. Purple; top of head.

Next, you will learn to follow your feelings. This is another essential step in the development of your clairvoyance. Sure, you can still listen and follow your mind. Nevertheless, while trying to develop your clairvoyance you will begin to pay attention to your feelings and instincts. You will begin listening and following them.

Similar advice could be given towards following any hunches you may have. When you have a hunch about people, places, and things, you will want to follow your feelings. Developing clear confidence towards the feelings you may have regarding such sentiments.

When you're just beginning in your quest to become a clairvoyant, learn to tap into and communicate with your subconscious mind, because this is also going to be important to do. If you don't think you can do this on your own, you can visit a hypnotist and get some help this way. If that's too expensive for you, you can also listen to hypnotist recordings available commercially. These are specifically designed to help you undergo self-hypnosis, and as you do so, you'll see that you become more focused and more relaxed.

Finally, you can take the steps to let yourself go in order to get in tune with your proper thoughts and feelings. No, clairvoyance is not something that is going to develop over time. Practice will be required and that is going to a little bit of time to properly develop. But, when it is engaged, you will discover your ability to utilize this skill to a great degree.

Remember to act on your gut feelings and intuition. Your abilities will increase as you take the time to practice. You will notice the increase in your clairvoyance abilities by tuning in to your feelings and the positive influences in your life.

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Use Out Of Body To Leave Your Body

By Syed Hussein

Out of Body is something that you already have some awareness of. No doubt you've heard the phrase used in conversation, in a movie or TV program or seen it in a book or magazine.

However, it seems very few know that out of body is a genuine occurrence. It is something that we can all naturally do. You may have even projected and never realize that you did so. Many people do.

Lets look at Out of Body and find out what it is. A very simple explanation of Out of Body is the ability of an individual to actually leave their physical body. Everybody has this ability and you actually do this when you sleep in the night. In a sleep state your physical mind is resting and your subconscious mind is in control. It is during this that the person can astral project. Most of the time people just can't remember this happening.

While you are projecting, you can go anywhere you want to go. You should try recalling your childhood; you may be able to remember being able to do this after you went to sleep. Over time, you may have forgotten. When it involves out of body there is no such thing as time or distance. You can go anywhere, since while asleep your physical body is at rest and your astral body travels.

So what is the astral body? This is an invisible duplicate of your physical body with no actual substance. Your astral body represents your subconscious will and desire. So why does your astral body always return to the physical realm? It returns because your physical and astral bodies are permanently connected by something commonly known as the silver cord.

The astral body is immediately connected to the physical body upon entering it with this silver cord, this cord cannot ever be broken except through death. This cord actually protects the physical body from losing the astral body.

Another question that is often asked is where the astral body travels to when a person engages in out of body. The astral body moves along the astral plane. This is, as the astral body is a duplicate for the physical, a duplicate of the physical world. There are a number of ways that it can be described. In some descriptions, it is described as a set of vibrations, which penetrate physical reality but are at a wavelength that separates it from the physical world. It can also be described as a secondary reality or another dimension. What is agreed upon with the descriptions is that there are multiple levels to the astral plane.

Even though your astral body will always return to you and you are at no danger of physical harm while astral projecting, you should exercise caution since there are some dangers in the astral plane. As long as you use common sense and basic caution though, you'll be safe.

When you're intoxicated, Out Of Body can be hazardous. Psychological damage can be caused by Out Of Body while you're not in control of yourself. When you don't have all your wits about you, you can only travel the lowest (and most dangerous) levels of the astral plane.

Mental preparation is key when astral projecting this is true whether you are just learning, fine-tuning your experiences or if you are an expert. Once you have, the process of preparation down it is easy to reach the space of Out of Body and to control this process.

With the right preparation, out of body can be learned very quickly. There are professional out of body instructors who can show you how to do this, though most people prefer to learn and practice astral projecting in the comfort of their own home.

There are several books on this subject and you can locate other aids to help you online. One type of aid is that of hypnosis recordings that are created for out of bodys to get you into the desired state of mind. This helps you get totally relaxed along with taking you through that various levels. This is often the preferred method over a professional approach, because you can replay the recording as much as you need to get your subconscious mind to get the message about when it is alright to begin to astral project and leave your physical body.

The use of sound technology can also be helpful in being able to reach a level of relaxation that is conductive to being able to engage in Out of Body. One such technology is known as binaural beats. This technology works by alternating sound between both ears and using a variety of frequencies. This method is designed to place the body into a state of deep meditative relaxation, which is the best for Out of Body.

Astral projecting takes some practice, so be patient with yourself. Much like walking, it's something we can do naturally - but you do need to practice and refine this ability before you can use it at will. You may fail the first time, the second or even more, but you will soon be able to astral project.

Still in doubt about Out of Body? How about an example from your own life? You've had those dreams where you're flying which end with a falling sensation right before you wake up. You weren't really dreaming - the sensation of flight was what your astral body feels like as it travels. When you felt you were falling, that was your astral body returning to your physical one.

out of body is naturally very real. We can all do it and find it beneficial in many ways. It does however; take time to fine-tune this natural ability.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Improving Your Art Acquiring Techniques

By Amelia M. Deborath

Having the ability to collect good art is one exceptional talent. Even if you think good art collectors are born, this is simply not the situation at all. The truth is, the skill of collecting art can in fact be learned! Yes, and that is one good news for you personally. So, if you need to improve further with your collecting skills, here are some things that you can do to attain such goal.

Get Some Exposure

Getting some exposure on different disciplines of art is one way to enhance your collecting skills. There are a lot of national and international art expos and art fairs that you are able to attend to. Try attending such kinds of events to broaden your horizon on different types of art disciplines and forms.

This is also one way to discover not too well-known aesthetic pieces that have potential on obtaining a huge value in the future. However, most of all, it's one way to see artworks that can move you and in all likelihood be part of your collection in the future. Know Your Kind

Although collecting art can be a personal endeavour to suit your needs, there is nothing wrong with talking to other art collectors and being familiar with them. In fact, achieving this may be beneficial to you, as you can find out more about how other collectors started and the other helpful information they are able to provide you with.

They could also offer you recommendations like galleries to visit, events to go to, artists to see works of as well as other art related things. Some art collectors have clubs or organizations that you can join in.

Keep reading!

Reading in any aspect can take your knowledge another level. Thus, reading books about art background art collections would definitely improve your skill. There's a great deal to learn with collecting that it is possible to find not merely by taking a look at pictures, but in addition through reading texts about so.

Reading old published literature on the subject is great, because you can discover the basics of area of as well as the essentials of collecting. However, it might still be better if you're up-to-date with your reading materials. If you want something fresh and new regularly, then subscribing to some art magazines would do the trick!

Magazines, just like books, are helpful resources where one can learn more about collecting and collections. However, these magazines standout since their content will almost always be up to date and new, unlike with books that may contain faced-out and irrelevant data.

Reviews: Seeing Another's Perspective

Seeing art within the perspective of another person is detrimental whatsoever. Remember that art is relative, thus, something may be beautiful in your eyes, yet ugly for another's and the other way around. That is the reason why you ought to learn to utilize reviews created by international or local art critics and channel them into something positive. Instead of being too much influenced by what they are saying, try gaining knowledge through them and see if whatever they say in regards to the artwork holds true. It's also wise to learn some things how they critic an item, since having the capability to critic is yet an important skill to develop collecting skills. Get Some assistance

A little bit of guidance would not hurt if you're really interested on learning how to create a great art collection. You can make use of a professional art consultant / art advisor, if you please since without a doubt they do know what they're doing. They can also teach you about collecting and also make suggestions to the whole process of buying art.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Remember The Past To Plan Your Future

By Bernier Walker

Do you feel unwanted? Are you suffering from addiction of any sort? Are you always being bullied or victimized for a reason you doesn't even know? Do you have anger issues? How about your relationships, are they good? Do you seem to lack something even though you almost have everything? You have probably not even considered Regression Therapy before.

Does any of this sound familiar? If it does then regression therapy is definitely something that you can try out. It may help you to find the answers you've been seeking, and may help you live a better life. That makes it worth it, doesn't it?

Regression therapy is said to bring someone out of the darkness and confusion they have been living in, and shedding some light on their life. It involves taking a person back through their lives and bringing them to terms with things that have happened. Despite it being a form of hypnosis, the person is fully conscious during this.

These past experiences also involve events of adulthood, early childhood, adolescence, and even the time spent in the womb of his mother.

Past Life Regression Therapy that only concentrates on past life transports the client back before their conception to the clients previous life.

This idea of having had previous lives is very difficult for most people to come to terms with, but there is actually overwhelming evidence to suggest that this present life is just one of many which we experience.

Often during therapy people talk about far off places and wars. Some people even go back to prehistoric times and talk about hunting mammoth. Often people in your present life are there as well but your relationship to them will be different. For example your mother may be your daughter or your sister.

Clients, who have undergone this Regression Therapy spoke of life as an official in a foreign kingdom; clearly and vividly describing the experiences of fighting in a war; hunting in the Stone Age and of having the same partner then, as now in the present.

There are also startling reports around the world of children who can accurately remember their recent past lives and get to meet people still living that they were once related to.

Knowing what happened in the past can help us understand why we feel the way we do about certain areas of our life. It helps us understand ourselves more completely and our patterns of behavior.

Regression therapists have coined a phrase of 'Faulty Thoughts'. These thoughts are the negative ones created in a person's past life or lives, which turns into emotional baggage and also bad karma in the life they presently lead.

The only person who can get rid of these thoughts and emotions is the person themself. The negative energy of the past needs to be replaced with positive energy and it only with the acceptance that this negative energy comes from the past that this can be done.You need to forgive whoever caused your pain in the past. This is known as Karmic repayment and re-patterning.

The forgiveness part of this have a biblical basis as in 'Do to others as you would have them do to you.' The karmic repayment, (based on the word karma (which is neither good nor evil; it is the uttering of our mentality that tells us what we should be doing because of results of our past actions), means correctly changing your negative behavioral patterns with the purpose of repaying them.

Only through using these measures to correct things are we able to do the proper re patterning of our energy fields and turn them to positives of care, harmony, tranquility, and gentleness.

Although sometimes tiring, Regression Therapy is said to be life changing. Most clients say this procedure resulted as a positive attitude, renewed outlook of life and becoming a stronger person.

To reach this result though all clients must vow a firm commitment to understand himself completely and vow to change the expectation he has about his life.

Regression therapy is an intriguing idea, and if you are experiencing troubles in your life, it could be very helpful. On the other hand, you may just be curious about who or what you were in another life, whatever the reason you should sincerely think about trying it.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hangups? Phobias? Try Past Life Regression

By Jonathan Wells

There is a belief that what is irrevocably gone (i.e. yesterday) cannot be bridged with what is unknown (tomorrow). The same belief can be applied to the closed chapter of one's past life and the unfolding history of the present one. I want to tell you that yes, a bridge can be built between one's past and present lives.

How many people actually realize that they can use this information to make some big changes in their present life?

What entices most individuals to discover their past lives is because of its intriguing nature. Delving into your past lives is like participating in a science fiction movie. Out of the ordinary, unusual. Consider the benefits that Past Life Regression can bring to our present life.

Even scientists agree that using Past Life Regression can be used effectively to make changes for the best in anyone's life. You can learn from the trauma you suffered in your past life and the mistakes you made as well.

To learn about your past lives you will need to go to a hypnosis that specializes in Past Life Regression. You can also do it with self-hypnosis. There are other things that are useful as well. For example, regular affirmation sessions ensure it is acceptable to your subconscious mind to remember the events of your past lives.

Before embarking on a Past Life Regression session, you must be absolutely certain and believe in some things.

We all hold the memory of our past lives somewhere deep inside our subconscious minds. It is indeed a part of our everyday life. The memories are there, and with a little encouragement, you can remember these events from the past.

You cannot just know about your past life and expect your life to improve. You have to take the necessary steps to put this information to use before it will benefit you.

You must learn from mistakes made by you in your previous life and keep from making them again. This is the way to use knowledge of a past life so that you may live a better life in the present.

Some people however, for various reasons find it impossible to believe in reincarnation. However Past Life Regression can be of immense help in either changing your life for good or helping in avoidance of commission of big mistakes in present life even if you think that all the events you remember are merely the results of a fertile imagination.

Whatever you believe, the experts still advise you to go through Past Life Regression because of two reasons.

*Taking something you learned from a session and making a change in your present life points to the idea that it was a real past life event.

*If you think you are imagining all of this, it's okay, you can still use this information to help better your life. The thoughts will clear your mind and will free you from everything holding you back.

Please see below for the five fundamental benefits of Past Life Regression.

*Past life, traumas can wreck pain and destruction in your present life, this will heal that.

*It promotes a clearer understanding of our current situation and allows us to remain focused in our daily lives.

*Remember your mistakes and then learn from them. We often learn from the mistakes we have made in this life but by then it is too late. If you were exceptionally cruel in a past life, you can change that in this life.

*You will discover unrealized potential. By delving into your past lives, it will enable you to see a talent, skill or other attribute that had been deeply buried in your subconscious and discovering this may well change your outlook on life forever.

*You might find solutions to certain unanswered questions pertaining to your present life.

Try using Past Life Regression yourself and see how it can change your life in a positive way. You may finally discover how to change your life to the life you have always dreamt of. A better life can be yours, try it.

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Basic principles Of shopping for Art: Whether You're An expert Or otherwise not

By Amelia M. Deborath

Buying and collecting art intelligently can be done by anyone. You heard right, anyone. You don't to have experience of collecting art, previous understanding of the art business, or even a degree in art history. The truth is, all you'll need is passion for and appreciation of artwork; along with a yearning to collect; lastly, willingness to become familiar with a some simple techniques that would allow you to evaluate any kind of fine art via any period of history, whomever the artist is and whatever his / her nationality is.

Anything Goes

Although you might read some specific suggestions and recommendations describing specific works of art, you should take note that there's really no right or wrong kind of art and that there's no right or wrong method to collect or buy art.

People have the freedom to collect whatever it is that believe that like collecting and purchase whatever pieces believe that like buying. It doesn't really matter whenever and wherever you're feeling like purchasing art, for whatever reason, as well as for simply how much you're feeling like shelling out for the purchase. As a result, the following advice are not for everybody, but they are typically designed for those that want to spend their funds wisely on worth it pieces.

If you happen to be one of the individuals, then follow this advice on what you will be an improved art collector.

Four Way Questions On Buying Art

If the time comes that the truth is a piece that you want, whether it be a painting, sculpture or even a print, you can find generally four questions that you should consider to start your decision making.

Who's The Artist?

To answer this, you've got 2 reliable sources: spoken and written information. Spoken info usually originates from the artist himself, gallery exhibiting the piece or perhaps the dealer. It can also com using their company collectors, friends, family, and folks that are intimate in regards to the art or even the artist being considered. On the other hand, written info could come in a number of forms like artist career resumes, gallery exhibit catalogues, art reference books and exhibition reviews. How Important Is It?

This could be answered simply by considering as many possible pieces created by the artist. Try to be familiar with the product range of the artists' art and find out where that particular piece falls. You can begin by asking the owner to demonstrate lots of pieces done by the artist, whether original, on the net, or perhaps photographs. In addition try to see works all periods of the artist's career; carrying this out can instruct you plenty in regards to the artwork and also the artist accessible.

Where Has It Been?

Third, it's important too to know where that particular piece of art continues to be. This is accomplished by accumulating all incidental details about the piece. It's similar to building a biography of the piece, from its birth, that is the artists' completion of it, up to the present day.

This could be helpful since good provenance and documentation can increase an artwork's desirability, collectability, and market price. Creating a good provenance inside the art world is analogous to having good pedigree in the pet world. For example, if a painting was exhibited in a notable and important art show, then its more collectible when compared to a similar painting that wasn't; just the same with awards and prizes.

Is The Price Fair?

With this question, it doesn't really matter what the piece's value could be in the future, since nobody can really answer that. What you need to want to know is whether or not the piece is pretty priced today or not. This is a extremely important question, because just like other services or goods, art will often come overpriced.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Become Clairvoyant For Everyone

By Dilan Parsley

Do you want to become clairvoyant? If your answer is yes, then your first step would be knowing what clairvoyance is all about. It can be safely stated to be the most popular and sought after psychic power.

It would be so great to get the powers that have rocketed others to fame and gotten them appearances on television, and even had them publishing their own books.

Most 'experts' say that to be clairvoyant, you must possess a sense the rest of us do not have or that we have at least not developed. When someone uses clairvoyance powers, it is assumed that he gives you access to greater knowledge, a window into the future or the past -- or both, and in some cases the ability to 'hear' or see' events before they've even happened. You may be able to look into the past and see what happened previously, too.

Thus, a clairvoyant essentially possesses the ability to connect with the infinite cosmos on a spiritual path instead of the logical one taken by others.

To be able to see things on such a deep level the clairvoyant has to completely open up their minds and spirit.

Do you want to know how to become clairvoyant? Only a handful gets this ability naturally and that too from a near death experience or a deep spiritual awakening, which is very rare. The rest of us develop this power through dedicated practice.

First off you'll need to see if you have any paranormal abilities at all. There is a high probability that you do already have some.

As children we all likely had some sort of gift that was buried by the chains of society. With a desire to fit in we denied ourselves and buried our gifts, which is often the sad truth with many children.

In order to gain access to that potential which is inside you but almost out of reach.

Rather than letting them back in, clear your thoughts and open them to what the universe needs to tell you. Don't force yourself to see things.

Trying to see or hear something forcefully never works out. Instead try cleansing your own mind which in turn will enable the universe to give you information regarding what is to come in the future.

The universe will send you exactly what it is you need, and that is what you need to learn from. When you begin you may see an image, or even a voice speaking. In other cases you might actually see an event occurring.

Later on those visions will become much clearer and you'll actually be able to understand them. As the visions get better you'll better understand what is happening, and what is going to happen later on.

Another thing that you could do is yoga, as this will help you to better explore the spiritual connection. In addition to that, there are many books that you can feel free to read on the subject.

When you become clairvoyant, activities such as palm reading, tarot card reading, dream interpretation, etc would all help you to understand what you see and perceive. You can also talk to other clairvoyants to assess the level of your own abilities.

Clairvoyant individuals have released the negatives from their life. To do this you might need to take a deeper look at your home, work, family and other environments and do some tweaking.

There may be objects in your home giving off bad energy. Try an aura cleansing of your home. Also avoid people who make you feel uncomfortable.

In such cases you need to undergo an aura cleansing in order to purse all negative or stagnant energies thereof. Keeping a crystal at home or seeing yourself covered with white light are good ideas in order to fight when negative emotions try to touch you.

You also need to ensure that your chakras are always clean. If they are clean then you will be able to resist the negative energy that comes your way.

Remember that you'll have to have a bit of self esteem. If you lack this then you will have a hard time living up to your true potential and doing whatever it is that you can truly do.

Practise affirmations daily. Insure you listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts.

When you turn into a clairvoyant finally, you will have access to a world you never knew existed. There are people who have become famous, writing books, giving celebrity readings, and even appearing on television.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Extra Tips about Promoting Your Art

By Amelia M. Deborath

Besides informing your prospective buyers on the basics of your artworks, how much you are selling them, and who are the folks that have purchased in you, there are still another things you can do to result in the probability of the sale hike up even higher. Here are a few of them.

Show Pictures Of Your Pictures

One way to encourage your prospective buyers to buy your art is simply by showing them photos of how other art collectors have made use or displayed the pieces they have purchased in you. Seeing your pieces in working or living environments can be a great encouraging factor. If there is no need that many collectors yet, it is possible to suggest to them pictures of the method that you, yourself displayed your art in numerous kinds of environments.

If your prospect is someone who is not actually that familiar with art, doing this tip can be quite helpful and fruitful. Given that they could be having some difficulty in imagining how or where they would display the piece, if ever they purchased within you. It is also the situation that they can't really picture how the piece would look like in their office or house.

Be Service Oriented

If you desperately want to make a sale, then your attitude should show that you are doing so. Try to make time for transactions and meetings regarding your art. Also, try to make yourself available as much as possible to deliver your piece to the collectors' office or home. It's also wise to make them with hanging it, and even make suggestions on where to place it, if they ask you to.

If your buyer hasn't designed a specific pick of which piece they desire from your collection, you can even offer them that you bring a number of your art to their property or office, free of charge. Try this, so that they can observe how it could fit in their environment. However, it's also advisable to make it clear to them that they aren't obliged to buy it if they don't want to.

Give Them An idea Test

If you need, you may also offer people to use a piece or two of your works for a trial period of one or two weeks, just to observe they'd like the pieces. However, with this particular kind of deal, factors to consider that you've got a written contract about your agreement, get a promissory note, deposit or whatever kind of security for your art's safety.

Fish Around

You may even want to try fishing around. Try asking people reasons of why they like or dislike a specific piece produced by other artists. Using their answers, get some ideas of the way they would react if it's your art in the hot seat. Of course, you do not do this just to be discouraged, but to be able to think fresh and innovatively for your next pieces.

Talk Earth Language

One of the most typical mistakes of artists that are first-time selling their works is that they talk to impress. Yes, it really is impressive if you realize a whole lot of techniques, components and factors regarding art. However, not all people that would be enthusiastic about buying your work are artists too. Some of them could be people who know nothing in regards to the technical aspect of art, but are just simply attracted to your work.

If this is actually the case, avoid to delve into elevated and heated art discussions, especially if they're certainly not seeking it. Avoid going for information that would remain undigested. Try to talk inside their level, since intimidating your prospective buyer would be the last thing you'd want to do.

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Art and Therapy

By Michael Robbins

(This is a copy of a talk that was given at an "Art Salon" sponsored by the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis on October 17th, 2010, in N.Y. The event involved Art Exhibits by both Michael Robbins, M.A., L.M.H.C., and his father Arthur Robbins, Ed.D., who is one of the founders of the Expressive Therapy movement. Father and son each talked about their relationship to art and therapy. Afterwards, the audience participated with them in a lively dialogue on the subject.)

This is a wonderful event! How many sons can share this kind of creative dialogue with their fathers? I feel very lucky indeed!

Over the past couple of months, Dad and I have been talking about what we each want to share. There are lots of similarities as well as differences. We are also open to what will happen in the space between us as we talk. Who knows what the final result will be! We have the structure of having thought about this for a while, and we are also standing at the edge of the unknown, open to whatever shows up in the space. So even at the beginning of this sharing, we have all of the qualities of a creative act.

A successful art piece and a successful therapy session have many of the same qualities. Since this is an "Art Salon," let's start with a work of art.

A work of art starts in the body/mind of the creator and lands in the shared space between the artist and the viewer. A successful work of art changes the space into a transformational event that leaves everyone touched and changed in some way. The quality of the transformation differs from one creative event to another depending on what the artist is trying to express.

Each artist brings the dynamics of his or her inner world to the creative process. Every creative expression is an intimate window into the inner life of the artist and an invitation to participate in the particular flow of creative juice that is moving through the creator. Every viewer also brings with him his own unique sphere of possibilities and capacities to resonate (or not!) with the creative event that is being offered. As each viewer enters the space of the creative offering, a new energy is borne of the alchemical mix of the inner life of the viewer and the artist. Sometimes the viewer is totally transformed by the art work in front of him. Sometimes they are left cold. Sometimes they are repulsed. Sometimes they are invigorated or even enchanted. What is important is that they are affected. The more successful the art work the more affected they are.

All of that is rather general. So let's get specific about the art work that I create. What are the guiding principles that are moving both consciously and unconsciously through my body/mind as I am creating? Here are some of the themes that have been with me consistently for decades.

Vitality. When I am creating, I am constantly asking myself if the space that I am creating carries the quality of aliveness. Do the lines "sing?" Are the colors vibrating? Is the texture engaging? Does my body/mind feel alive in the creative act? Is the space redundant or boring? When I am creating something -- whether it is a two dimensional piece, a sculpture, a poem, a movement improvisation, or a performance piece, I want to feel more alive at the end of the creative process then I did at the beginning. Often I go to creative work precisely because I feel flat, disengaged, or cut off from something that I can't even fully name. Creative work gives me a window into unconscious processes, roto-rooters the sludge out of my pipes, and re-establishes a sense of flow and honesty in my body/mind. As I create, I kick my super-ego out of the way, find my instinctual vitality, speak truths that might be too provocative or inappropriate for polite society, and express and integrate ALL of the information that is flowing through my system. Wherever I find the current of my vitality, I wrestle it out of the shadows of my unconscious into the light of my conscious mind.

Dynamic rhythm, holding the push and pull of opposites. Every creative event has to hold a charge. A charge is created as soon as there is positive and negative, yin and yang. The existential fact is that we live in a world of separation. Our solipsistic world is constantly and necessarily shattered by the experience of the Other. It is only in experiences of meditation or deep sleep that we catch glimpses of a non-dual consciousness. The first movement out of this primordial stillness shatters this purity. Every creative act is a mirror of this first movement, an invitation to a dance that contains subject, object and the space between them. This is the first dynamic tension, both in creative life and in everything that happens in life in general. Whenever I create I am keenly aware of this dynamic tension.

In every creative act, I am both aware of the existential fact of separation, and of moving from the world of separation back towards union. The creative acts that hold the most charge for me have an ecstatic quality. I am sure that this has something to do with my early psycho-dynamics. A difficulty that I often encounter is that my creative work can be over-stimulating, too much, or lacking in empty spaces where the eye can rest. The early dynamic between my mother and I, which was highly charged, joyous, and also at times overwhelming and over-stimulating for my immature nervous system is most probably being reflected here. Unconsciously, I am often drawn back to the intensity of this early object relation when I am creating. This unconscious draw towards intense contact and stimulation gets expressed in the colors that I choose, the textures of the material, or the way that I carry my body when I am interacting with the creative space.

This brings us to the dynamic rhythm of structure and chaos, form and flow, emptiness and content. After I have allowed my flow to boil over into the space, it is time to step back, to engage my left brain, to analyze and structure the creative event. Too much chaos creates an anxious, disorganized space. Too much structure, creates a depressed, deadened or disconnected space. A balance of the two creates a space that has both the vitality of instinctual life and the rigorous meaningfulness of a unique creative happening. Siphoning out the noise of extraneous brush strokes, lines of poetry, or physical movements, must be done with the analytical mind. Shaping a creative act into a form that carries a meaningful charge with elegance and simplicity means making skillful choices. This accent on skillful choices is a deep and spiritual discipline that applies both to art and life. Through my choices I create a particular kind of transformational space that carries a unique charge that is reflective of my state of consciousness at the time of the creative act.

O.K., so what does all of this has to do with therapy? Lots. As a therapist I am aware of the same dynamics as soon as I enter the space. The key difference is that the primary energy, the first impulse, is flowing from the client. I am in the receptive role, the viewer if you will, being affected by the creative manifestation of the person or group that I am working with. As I feel the effect of their particular expression of creativity, I then respond to it in a way that helps the two of us or a group, co-create a transformational space.

You might ask how do they express their creativity, as generally I do not ask my clients to paint, sculpt or perform during sessions. (Although I do often use creative modalities, this is only a small percentage of my therapeutic interaction.) They express it through their bodies, in the tone of their voices, in the patterns of tension and relaxation with which they move through a space, by how much or how little energy is in their field, and by the words that they choose and don't choose. All of this creates a resonant field of magnetism and attunement between our nervous systems that is the stuff of a developing healing process. As a therapeutic artist, my job is to make this expression of my clients' creativity conscious, to wake them up at each fork in the road and empower them to co-create their world with skill and intelligence. As their field becomes more deeply imbued with wakefulness, they become more skillful partners in co-creating a therapeutic space that is transformational. The more potent the transformational space, the more potential energy is available to reach therapeutic goals.

This transformational space has all of the qualities of a good art piece that I have been describing above. It leaves all the participants feeling more vital and alive then when they entered. At every moment there are important choices to be made by the participants. It is filled with the dynamic tension of subject, object and the inter-subjectivity of the space between. Like all creative acts it is limited by the raw materials. In therapy these are the constraints of the participants' ages, the space that the exchange is taking place in, their sexual orientation, the socio-economics of the exchange, their inner development, and many other variables as well. As a therapeutic artist I bring a variety of tools to the creative event that are the equivalent of paints, brushes, canvas, or clay. These tools are the modalities, theories and methods that I have been trained in which create a sphere of unique therapeutic possibilities. Deeper then the particular modalities and methods is the sensitivity and aliveness of my own consciousness and energy field that day. The more awake and conscious I am the more energy and presence I have to bring to our exchange. With these raw materials both the client and I are charged with creating an exchange that will be transformational, creative and healing. If we are successful, both the client and I leave the space feeling a deeper integration and awareness of our unconscious patterns, greater access to our instinctual, libidinal aliveness, and more deeply awake to our choices at every moment and at every level.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

A New Life With Past Life Regression

By Heidi Danso

The belief in reincarnation or a past life is very prevalent in society. Religions also adopt this belief in many cases. The idea that one may have lived before in some ancient time is practically appealing and exiting to most people. Having an interest in finding out when and where this was is perfectly understandable.

Surprisingly enough though, is the fact that while such vast numbers of people are interested in their past life or lives, only an extremely small percentage of these people want to study their past lives in order to improve the life they are living now.

Mostly people are only curious about their prior lives. The idea of changing anything now is unfortunately a foreign idea to them. Past life regression therapy or PLR can be a great therapy for making positive change in our present lives.

Scientists of today are beginning to see that there are benefits to past life regression therapy. Studies have shown that people can make big changes in their life for the better once they have dealt with horrible things that happened to them in a past life.

It should be mentioned here that you need to prepare your subconscious mind to accept memories of past lives by means of affirmation sessions. This applies to everyone, no matter which process of PLR you choose, be it self hypnosis or be it via hypnosis from a PLR expert.

You need to understand a few things before you go ahead and use Past Life Regression.

Your past life and your present life are connected. Our subconscious has the memories of our past life deeply buried within. And we need to bring all those memories to our conscious mind.

Just the knowledge of your past life will not help you have a better life. You must know how to put this information to use in order to benefit from it in your daily life.

Being able to learn from mistakes made in a past life can by all means help you to avoid making similar mistakes all over again in this life.

Even for those people who simply refuse to accept that there is any truth in reincarnation, and who believe it is the work of their imagination which brings certain memories to mind, they too can benefit enormously from the memories of past life experiences, as far as avoiding similar mistakes in this life is concerned.

Whatever you believe, the experts still advise you to go through Past Life Regression because of two reasons.

*Taking something you learned from a session and making a change in your present life points to the idea that it was a real past life event.

*It is ok if you think you imagined the events you see because it will still help you to improve your life. The thoughts you have will help clear your mind and free you from things that are holding you back.

What are the benefits can you expect using Past Life Regression?

*Subliminal emotional traumas can be wiped out

*You will be able to think and make decisions more clearly.

*Your hidden, latent talents can be unveiled

*You might stumble upon a creative skill or ability that you possessed in your past life that you never imagined having in your present life.

*Many questions we have regarding ourselves are answered and may well explain why we are the way we are in this life.

For the vast majority of people, anything which promises to improve the way we live our lives is worth a try so whether you believe in PLR or not, you really should consider giving it a go. After all, you have nothing to lose.

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