Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Raccoon Removal Is Important For Health And Safety

By Adriana Noton

Unfortunately, it may be possible at some time to have a wild animal take up lodging somewhere in our residence. More and more animals are displaced and they may have no choice but to try and find food in populated areas. It is becoming more and more common to see skunks, foxes, and raccoons right in our neighborhoods. Raccoons have gotten used to humans and may have no fear of them. They may decide to nest in a chimney or attic, and need to be removed. They may carry disease and be very destructive, so raccoon removal is very important.

Raccoons are most known for invading trash cans but they also can find their way into attics through open soffits or by tearing open a soffit themselves. Vents are another way they can gain access, and if they want in bad enough they are known to tear holes in walls. Raccoons will also take pet food that is left outside or come through a pet door. They will also steal birdseed from feeders and even defecate in outdoor swimming pools.

Raccoons can spread disease, including rabies and distemper, which can kill domesticated animals. Raccoon droppings can also contain raccoon roundworm, which can be inhaled by humans and cause infection.

These animals are notorious for leaving behind feces, ruining insulation, and also having babies in an attic or crawlspace. Raccoons should be removed when they are discovered, this will keep them from causing any more damage or upsetting pets. There are some effective ways of removal.

The easiest way to remove a wild animal is to lock away pets and children and open as many escape routes as possible, such as doors and windows. Try and let the animal leave on its own. Giving it a little nudge with a broom may help, but a cornered animal may attack, so it is important to keep your distance.

Another way of capturing a raccoon is using a snare pole. These are often used by animal control professionals. However, you must be a little stronger and faster than the raccoon for it to be successful. If the animal will not leave or cannot be captured with a snare pole, a humane trap may be the best choice.

Local regulations should be checked before attempting to trap and release a raccoon. In some areas in may be illegal and a professional must be called. There are a few different types of humane traps on the market, and in some cases local animal control agencies may loan out these traps.

The trap should be baited with something raccoons love, such as marshmallows or white bread. Check the trap periodically, to avoid stressing out the animal further due to inclement weather and to be sure you have not trapped a cat, skunk, or other animal. Once trapped, the raccoon must be taken ten miles away or more, to keep it from returning.

In some cases, it may be better to hire a professional for raccoon removal. Usually if raccoons are living in a home they have babies, and they will defend them if needed. It is also imperative to remove whatever was attracting the animals in the first place, even if removal is successful, so that no other animals will again take up residence in the home.

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