Sunday, December 18, 2011


By Yvonne Brixey

A Christmas play depicting the Nativity story is a popular tradition among many families and communities during the Christmas season. Many people like to get the children to put on a Nativity Christmas play, because the children are innocent and play the story of Christ the best. But there are many people that would be willing to help with the Christmas play in your family or in your community, you just need to ask. The Nativity story is so popular during the Christmas season that everyone knows the story and would have no problem acting it out, unless that is not a part of their religion.

There are many steps to preparing a successful Christmas play. Some of those include finding a proper cast, creating costumes, building sets and rehearsing with the cast before the performance dates.

Finding a cast is probably the first step in getting your Christmas play going. If you want to use children in your Nativity Christmas play, then finding children in your family who are willing to do the play should be easy. If you don't have enough children in your family, you can contact some families in your neighborhood with children and see if they are willing to participate. Willing adults in your family may be harder to find, but if you have a great reward then it should be easier to find some cast members. Also, if you would like a cast of real actors you can post an ad in the local newspaper or online to find some volunteer actors for a Christmas play. Since it is the Christmas season, more people may be willing to work for free.

The next step would be assigning people their parts and making sure that everyone is happy with their assignment in the Christmas play. Some cast members may not be happy, but they just need to understand that every part is important. And after that, beginning rehearsals is the next step.

Finding costumes should be started early as well because they may need to be made by hand if there is no money to buy any of if none can be found.

After that, building a set is the next step. Find someone who knows a lot about building or contracting and ask if they would be willing to help with the Christmas play. There is a possibility that the supplies can be donated for this great cause.

Once the set have been built and rehearsals have gone well, the performances can begin. Be sure to post the dates of the Christmas play performances in advance for many people can plan to attend.

A Christmas play is a great way to celebrate the Christmas season and teach your children the story of Christs birth. This is also a great way to bring your family or community together during this wonderful time of year. Finding a cast, making costumes, building a set, rehearsing and performing are all parts of making a Christmas play successful. With enough help from those you love, you can pull off a great Christmas play that will be remembered for years to come.

Christmas Play

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