Saturday, December 3, 2011

Life After Death: Do You Believe In It?

By Florence H Axford

Ever wondered what your life after death is? Do you sometimes question yourself exactly where would you be right after your breath was already taken away from you? To go past the limits of life, to go beyond death itself is an enigma that one will never comprehend unless you, yourself, experience it.

Discussions About Life After Death

There are lots of theories concerning life after death. The holy book tells us that our soul and spirit goes back onto the hands of our creator while our bodies turn back into earth. Yet another speaks of reincarnation, in which our spirits will once again be born into this world under a whole new persona. But regardless of what way of thinking experts impart us with, no person can actually give complete proof. For no one has ever experienced it yet.

The topic concerning life after death had turn out to be fairly an interesting topic in the arena of science and religion. And as we all know, these two bodies are in endless clash with one another. The 1st believed in scientific facts that where countless experimented on; whereas the latter believed in the power of one mighty being - God. They've been on endless debate if such a thing does exist. Or if it is only some sort of imagination our own creative minds have given us over many years. In search for answers of what lies beyond the boundaries of life and death.

Life After Death: Could It Be Even Real?

Life and death are polar opposites. However, I could also find them as twins. One is born to give; the other was born to take. One is the beginning and the other is the ending. An endless pattern that each and every living organism whether big or small is actually a part of. Never breaking its cycled pattern.

Humans are often scared of things that we do not know of. The fright of the unknown is a common trait engraved in us. That is the reason why, we learn how to adapt to certain factors that hold threat to our lives. We learned how to be innovative; we learned how to be optimistic. That even after death, there is certainly something good waiting for us.

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