Tuesday, August 2, 2011

There Are 3 Components Of Amish Culture

By Janis Hostetler

Life in an Amish community follows 3 components of Amish culture and has numerous rules to be followed. There is a set of regulations, called the Ordnung, which dictate every facet of behavior. It is specifically stated what it means to be a community member. Length of hair and beard, style of clothing and the design of the family buggy are all clearly defined. The man must be clean shaven until he is married. After that, he must wear a beard. He may never wear a mustache.

Some communities allow men to drive cars. In most, it is forbidden. Only a horse and buggy may be used for transportation. In many communities, battery powered lights are not allowed.

Garments are made at home in simple style. These clothes are supposed to make the people humble and distinguish them from the general population. The solid dark color dresses have long sleeves, full skirts and women also wear a cape and apron.

Hairstyles are either a bun or a braid, covered by a small white cap. Some wear a black bonnet. They wear black stockings and black shoes. They are not allowed to cut their hair. Some orders have such a strict Ordnung that even the length of the dresses they wear is specified. Jewelry is not allowed.

Men wear plain, dark colored suits that are straight cut. No collars or lapels are on their jackets. Their trousers are held up with suspenders and have no pockets. Plain styles are required. They may not wear gloves, ties or belts. There is no ornamentation allowed. Patterned material is not permitted, nor are zippers.

In the home, the family speaks German. The children learn in English and attend school through the eighth grade. The parents work in traditional roles, with the man being the authority figure in the home and the wife being subservient to him. Large families are encouraged. Marriage to anyone but another Amish person is forbidden and so is divorce. Rarely, a separation takes place.

Humility, lack of vanity and the wife being subservient to the husband is a part of their culture. The man is considered the head of the household, with unquestionable authority. He is required to protect the wife and provide for the family. Religious practices are strictly adhered to and bind the community together.

Most of the sects do not allow use of any advanced technology. It is believed that cars, electricity and even tractors, which would significantly improve food production, are forbidden. Television sets would be out of the question. Sometimes, electricity, produced by windmills is allowed to heat their homes. Many now have a telephone in their community. That is to say, they have one phone, which is shared by the entire community. It is believed that modern conveniences would weaken the family unit in some way. However, some conveniences, such as disposable diapers, are allowed providing the Ordnung does not forbid them. Inevitably, modern technology will become a part of the more modern Amish groups.

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