Monday, August 22, 2011

Conflict Free Diamonds Have A Unique Appeal

By Tyler Senecca

For many diamond consumers, the idea of conflict free diamonds may not have yet taken hold in their consciousness. As they learn more about how their diamond purchases may be tied to various wars and terrorist actions throughout the world, however, their desire to avoid any connection to that violence should cause them to rethink the types of diamond products that they buy.

It is now well-documented that many terrorist and rebel groups have infiltrated the trade of these gems in many areas and use the proceeds from the sale of those gems to pay for guns, bullets, and bombs. This problem has become so pervasive that every diamond tied to these groups has now earned the nickname "blood diamond" to signify its bloody tie to violence.

For many people, the link to terrorism has been the most unsettling. The gems which once were given as tokens of love and affection have been, in many instances, perverted into symbols of hatred, violence, and death.

Finding the clean diamond

In response to the way in which these groups have funded carnage and death through the diamond trade, there have been certain measures put into place to better track the mining and movement of each diamond. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme is perhaps the most well known example of these tracking efforts.

Despite those efforts, however, many retailers and others have still not come into full compliance with certification demands. For consumers, the only concrete way to ensure a diamond's pure nature is to insist on seeing the documents that certify its origins.

The sad thing for many people is how these timeless symbols of adoration have been knowingly used for nefarious purposes. To fight back against the terror and death that blood diamond trade perpetuates, the consumer's best option is to steadfastly refuse to purchase anything other than non conflict diamonds.

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