Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ten Percent of our Brains

By Alexis Wright

It's been claimed that human beings only use about 10 percent of their brains. I'm not sure how one could prove it, but it's an easy thing to accept as true. We're so finite in our ability to think.

Here's what I'm talking about: In life, we have so many questions that we can never answer regardless of how hard we try. To be honest though, it's evident there is a higher calling because we need someone who is capable on answering tough questions. I think God is sitting up in heaven, shaking His head and laughing at us for not being able to understand such an easy concept.

One question that constantly comes up is how big the universe is, and then what's on the other side of the universe, and how big those things are. If there's no end to the universe, how does that work?

There are so many questions about God alone. How is it possible for Him to be all knowing, all loving and all powerful when the world is full of evil and people are going to hell?

Churches today debate and argue in circles about these very topics. Some believe it's impossible to resist God's irresistible grace while others say God gives us a choice. If we can't resist His grace, then why are some people going to hell? Wouldn't that contradict scripture where it says, "God is love," (1 John 4:8) or that He desires ALL to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."? (1 Tim 2:4)

These things don't make sense in our finite minds. We have to take the bad with the good, but there's an easy explanation, but it's one we'll have to wait for heaven to truly understand.

You can go back and forth on these topics until you have a headache, but we ultimately have to decide on what we're OK with not understanding and be OK with the fact we will never use 100 percent of our brains.

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