Friday, September 14, 2012

Stop Wasting Your Time with Poor Audition Tapes - Audition Techniques

By Maggie Flanigan

By focusing on developing a deep skill set, in acting classes in nyc or other qualified institutions are of the utmost importance. No matter how high quality the class, there is one thing acting classes in nyc are not responsible for and that is your auditioning technique. Audition tapes are becoming the norm, since the producers and agents can easily see if you are camera ready. An expensive, professional video is okay for an audition tape but, certainly not necessary. Enlist the help of a director friend, rent a simple camera and follow these rules.

Everyone knows what a bad lighting job can do to someone's appearance. Strong shadows falling in the wrong places can eliminate your chances of producers watching the tape all the way through. Too much light an you look completely washed out. Anything that takes away from your performance is lethal and bad lighting is one of those things. A well lit subject is one in which the lighting just "disappears." A professional acting program, especially acting classes in nyc, should have someone on staff that has experience producing tapes. A diagram of a simple lighting plan is something they can help you with.

Two or three small lights will do the trick. Lights can be placed on either side of the talent to help illuminate the face. Then a third light can be used to fill in the background. Some audition tapes have chosen to leave the background dark. Just be sure the overall tape is not too dark, or the contrast too great between your face and the background. Every camera has a White Balance feature that needs to be set.

The color temperature of lights sources can be different. They range from being very yellow to very blue. If you set up lights near a window the camera must correct for that. A mix of light sources is possible but, the camera must be "balanced" to correct for these color differences. A simple white balance button will take care of it. Just focus the camera on a white card or sheet of paper and it should correct for color. If you do not use this feature the color will be completely off, especially your skin tones. It will be evident if you forget to do this, because the skin tones and colors will all be incorrect.

How you sound is also very important. A good audition tape is only as good as the sound, because your voice is your main instrument. No producer or casting agent has the time to sit through an audition tape with poor sound. Keep the mic as close to the talent as possible. While easy, the camera mounted microphones are usually not very high quality. Communicating character, and a sense of who you are as an actor depends on what you sound like so make it great. Acting classes in nyc sometimes have ways to help with this.

With these basics in place now is the time to think about content. Preparation is key for both live and on camera auditions, but they are somewhat different. Coaches trained in Meisner acting techniques can help you prepare for those differences. An audition tape that is engaging, riveting, and fascinating is easier for actors that have studied Meisner acting. In Meisner acting nyc, a key thing to keep in mind is what is left "out." Of course, you can't cram every possible emotion that a character "has" into a few moments. Edit, put only a few ideas in at a time and let the rest emerge in the imagination of the audience. An audience (which in this case is the auditors) will automatically begin to infer and look for clues they can infer about your character which engages them in your performance.

At times, actors are asked to include something very specific, but it should still have your own ideas incorporated. More often, casting agents and producers ask for monologues not scenes. Prepare something that plays to your strengths, of course, be it comedy, drama or character driven. However, keep in mind that the best actors have developed strong skills in all of these genres and use it all. Tragedy and comedy always work together, for instance and its good to include a sense of both. Enlist the teachers of acting classes in nyc, or wherever you study, to review your practice tapes and incorporate their suggestions. Professional actors are always open to direction, certainly as an up and coming actor it's smart to remain open to input regarding your audition tape.

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