Thursday, July 21, 2011

Making An Unblemished World

By Ruth B. Penix

Is society something that could be altered to be made perfect? How is this possible if this is? NXIVM, a New York based organization founded by Keith Raniere, seems to think this can be done through ethics.

A friend of mine described to me that this company's goal is to help transform and, ultimately, be an expression of the noble civilization of humans. The only thing I could think of when my friend said that this was that type of world meant that it could only be one that had no imperfections. She said, that's right, it's the idea of a perfect, harmonic world.

People like the ones in this organization, my friend, and now myself - I would put us in the group of idealists. We believe humans stands a chance! They believe this could be done without a doubt.

On the other hand, you have realists that believe that no matter what we achieve, humans will always revert to things like violence and oppression. The failure of the world is something that realists believe in and concur that the world is doomed to evil.

How are things put in place for an idealist? Where do we fit as a society, a world? What kind of place do we really live in, a good one or a bad one? The answer to these questions is going to be based on which individual you look to with your concerns. There are millions upon millions of people that make up the earths entirety. If people can change, then the world can change too, right?

Even though the concept sounds appealing when someone talks about it, it's a whole different story to get into play. What do we need to acquire utopia? Well, given that a society is composed of a whole bunch of individuals, it makes sense to me that the answer lies within the change of each individual.

Ethics are the area of the body that reacts to certain situations and tell the body what they were taught; whether the situation is right or wrong. Ethics are the internal moral code that leads us to do good or bad. The belief that Utopia is simply right around the corner is based on if people can work together to make it happen or not. This is something that NXIVM absolutely believes people can accomplish. This organization believes that ethics abounds over everything in our universe and will eventually be used to help people work as a team. Imagine a world in which people endeavor to create a better experience not only for themselves, but for those around them. While we aren't all there yet, I think we can help each other reach that ideal.

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