Thursday, July 28, 2011

Assessing Your Self-Realizations

By Jane Claire

It is a common occurrence when we do reckless things as we grow up. We look like a naive person who doesn't know what he's doing.

Winston Churchill wrote: "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on as though nothing has happened."

We humans, in searching for success and happiness, have several great loves. One is the love of discovering new things. New places... new people... new ideas... they fascinate us.

As we all know, problems will never cease to exist in our everyday lives. Therefore, another thing that we would learn to love is to find the perfect solution to our problems, most especially those that can greatly perturb us.

Changes are also those that we love and even those future occurrences that we can anticipate. Discomfort tends to take place in our lives once we feel something awkward. This can confuse us and we can't do anything about it.

This is where we try our best to use our body to handle the changes. We do our very best to solve any problems whilst still maintaining on where we are standing.

Delving more on what Churchill said, every individual will always be more comfortable on his current situation. This habit will never fade out in our lives.

This is where we begin to wonder on how we can break that habit that we have been practicing for eternity.

In layman's term, just change it like a regular habit.

Being aware of what we are doing is the first step that we should take. Of course, how can we change something if we don't even know what it is.

No one would ever want his realization on life to just go away. This is something that no one would ever prefer.

If so, it's best to concentrate on that realization and delve on it more to hold on to it.

Don't let old habits rob you of the treasure you've found.

And that's exactly how you can stop yourself from stumbling over a truth and then continuing on as though it never happened.

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