Sunday, July 3, 2011

Images Going From Japanese Art To Japanese Tattoos

By Johnny Tran

During the late seventeen hundreds, images from Japanese art to Japanese tattoos grew in popularity even though the practice was looked down upon by many. Considered now to be an ancient art form, this practice was considered a form of punishment for those who had committed a crime. Skin art has said to be symbols of social class rankings and thought to be able to eliminate the threat of spirits and beasts.

Tattooing criminals faded as the normal tradition and became a fashion statement for many. From being a punishment for criminals to an art form, many artists began to help those with incriminating tattoos disguise them by adding unique symbols and designs. As people found out about this trend, artists began fulfilling the requests of those wanting ancient art permanently inked into their skin.

Some still believed that different symbols and colorful characters could ward off unwanted spirits and some wild beasts, but the majority of those asking to be marked want their tattoos to tell a story or symbolize an important time in their lives. Most images are created with inspiration from that of the famous woodblock art that these people are known for. Incriminating images and facial punishment is no longer the case, but those who did undergo this treatment have since disguised their markings with more decorative images.

Other countries became aware of this growing trend and eventually made this art form most popular. Still high in demand, the ancient artistic designs are most requested among many, due to their history and ways of telling a story by picture and symbol. Still to thank for inspiring the images used today, are the woodblock creations of ancient Japan.

There are varying tattoo trends these days but this art form is still most popular, ancient art of Japan is still the most requested among many. Inked because of criminal actions turned into ancient designs and symbols disguising the marks left by the past. No longer a sign of social ranking or criminal records, tattooing today is a way of telling stories.

Still holding their value and history, the ancient symbolic images used centuries ago are still being requested today. No longer used for punishment, these unique and gorgeous markings will always be implemented to tell stories and remember those who have come and gone.

The artists who provide these historic tattoos know the importance of keeping their history and symbolism alive for years to come. Every picture and symbol should be used to depict a certain story or time period in someone's life that they choose to remember and cherish. Online research can be very beneficial to those who are looking to use this ancient art form.

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