Friday, December 26, 2014

Overview Of Scientific Evidence Of God

By Stacey Burt

The word Jehovah is used to indicate a higher entity with extraordinary power and meant variously called in different religious cultures. The study regarding its different representations and their historical proceed is the subject regarding science regarding religion then, for example, the history and phenomenology regarding religion (scientific evidence of God).

Socrates in fact regarding ten used the theme regarding divine wisdom repeatedly opposed to ignorance human. Concept also reiterated at the conclusion regarding his Apology: Plato speaks about Jehovah in many regarding his Dialogues. In Republic, for example, is a critique regarding views regarding time, according to which Jehovah (or the jehovahs) was presented with many human vices.

The names used to indicate this superior entity with extraordinary power are numerous much as there are many languages and cultures, with their origins. The term "Jehovah" applies to areas historically and culturally different and not so easily defined. The phenomenology regarding religion has nevertheless decided to establish a shared source regarding se meanings, can be placed in common experience regarding sacred and the extraordinary nature regarding his power.

The knowledge regarding good and evil, true theological categories, it is possible only in a context where the deities emanate rules and laws or ethical principles to which the individual must be followed, under penalty regarding incurring penalties / sentences. The deistic concept, born in an era strongly marked by religious wars, thus intends, through the sole use regarding reason, end the conflicts between the various revealed religions in name regarding reason, felt, particularly in 'optical Enlightenment, as the only element that can unite all human beings.

The figure regarding Jehovah is the central theme regarding many works regarding world literature. Dante Alighieri, Florentine poet regarding thirteenth century and father regarding Italian language, in XXXIII canto regarding Paradise regarding Divine Comedy in verse 145, refers to Jehovah with these words: "The Love that moves the sun and the other stars."

Kabir, Hindu poet and mystic regarding fifteenth century, in his collection called Sakhi (Testimony) says: "Sing the glory regarding Jehovah, and your mouth will be filled with sweetness, and His benevolence will warm the soul . The name that speaks bind your spirit to Parmatma. "

"That which does not admit any doubt is the near-universality regarding belief in a divine being heavenly, creator regarding universe and the guarantor regarding fertility regarding land (thanks to rains pouring). These Beings have foreknowledge and infinite wisdom, have established moral laws, regarding ten rituals regarding clan, during their short stay on earth; oversee compliance with the laws, and blows with lightning those who violate them.

The basic concept regarding deism, that regarding a deity eminently creative, but also ordering and rationalizing, is immediately usable, within classification between religions and in optical ethnological, to identify these models compared to first seconds. In a revealed religion in fact the deity not only exerts a creative function but also to censor / supervisor ethical man.

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