Friday, August 15, 2014

How Do You Go About Holding A Same Sex Legal Marriage

By Linda Ruiz

To every person, marriage is a crucial step of life. This is because it affects both private and public life in many ways. Getting married in a same sex legal marriage is difficult due to numerous controversies surrounding same gender unions.

The reasons for support and opposition are both varying and numerous. Supporters cite the rights of every human to choose who they want to live with. Opponents on the other hand say that it changes the definition of family unit citing parenting and religious reasons. Despite this, there is an ever growing acceptance of people who prefer same gender union and with the current trend; it is only a matter of time before it is fully recognized.

Unions between people of similar gender are only accepted in some parts of the world. Others completely abolish them while others play the safe card by not supporting or condemning them. In United States of America, some of the states legalized these nuptials through votes, legislation and also court rulings. Some other states have completely abolished them in their statutes and constitutions.

There are some states where alternative options are offered such as domestic partnerships and civil unions. They are provided by these states as a way that same gender couples can make their relationships formal. The gay and lesbian community however oppose civil them saying that they do not provide equal benefits like that of a marriage. This according to them belittles gay and lesbian couples and tags them unworthy.

When you want to get married to a person of your gender then it is important to get into a state or country that recognizes them. The process of marriage is then easy and requires you to first apply for a license for a civil marriage from a court or city hall. If the religion you practice allows you to get married to your partner then the wedding can be held in a religious set up. Remember you all must be eligible in accordance to the law by being over eighteen years and not have blood relations.

This is followed by submission of an application form and also a fee for processing. When a few days have passed usually three, you will receive the license. This means that you are now free to solemnize your matrimony through a ceremony. When the wedding is complete, officiating individual signs the license and indicates time and place of wedding. The license is then sent to the court where it was issued.

When you do not live in the same country or state where you were married there are issues bound to arise. For instance, since the government does not recognize you as a couple it becomes difficult to access services meant for couples. Besides, if seeking to terminate your union it would get complicated since it is not recognized in the first place.

There are many other legal hurdles that come into play in same sex unions. For example, if planning to adopt a child, some states do not allow same gender parents. It is best to consult a lawyer before and during the process of marrying your partner so as to get legal advice.

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