Monday, March 26, 2012

Meisner Acting - Creating the Foundation for a Long Acting Career

By Maggie Flanigan

Rooted in the work of master acting teacher Sanford Meisner, Meisner acting classes use a series of exercises that build upon each other progressively, until the most complex skills are mastered. Meisner acting classes help students develop a life-long love of learning about the art of acting. From exercises that involve improvisation to word repetition, and exercises that teach students how to emotionally prepare, these Meisner exercises cover a wide range of skills and a deep awareness of what is required of the professional actor.

At first, a student of Meisner acting classes often thinks that the exercises are simplistic and perhaps a little silly, since the initial exercises use no text, there are no lines, no story. This is so the student will tune into the subtle changes in the meaning of simple repetitive phrases as they are said back and forth between them and an acting partner, which changes the meaning of the phrase and helps them recognize the emotional shifts. Fine tuning this reliance on emotional reaction, on committing in the moment, to the action that is happening, and to creating a new reality in the moment is what professional Meisner acting classes are about.

Meisner was known for drilling the same question at actors again and again to push actors to have a "cause" or a reason to do, or feel anything as they moved forward in a piece, or during an exercise. With the Meisner technique even sleeping or being still is considered an "action" that requires purpose. Considered to be a genius, Meisner's favorite phrase "acting is doing," was often drilled into students even if they were standing still. His other well known saying "an ounce of behavior is worth a pound of words," is a good way to sum up his theory about acting. The only way dialogue will work is if it is spoken by an actor who is living truthfully in the moment, with authentic emotions and behaviors.

The more immersed an actor can be the new reality that is being created, even if during a simple exercise, the more likely it is that they will be able to act in the moment. Many acting classes nyc will train the actor to use sound, feeling, emotion, physical space, and the sounds, emotions and physical expression of the other players to create an edgy exciting performance full of spontaneity. This can eliminate bad acting habits, such as "pretending" rather than "being." Moving beyond the bad habit of "pretending," Meisner acting classes help the student actually "become" someone else, at will. The aim is to eliminate self awareness while acting, and always be present in the moment, as the character, and use that energy to create the new reality of the story. If this seems challenging, it is, and being aware of this might be an indication that this technique is for you. If you are still convinced that acting is merely delivering lines as given, pretending to be a character than perhaps this kind of training is for you. The Meisner acting technique will force you to work far more deeply than that. Yes, you essentially become someone else but, not a pre-determined someone else. Instead you become someone new,someone real, that changes as the work progresses in unrehearsed ways.

In Meisner classes students move closer and closer to the emotional truth, the kind of authentic acting Meisner was helping actors get better at practicing. This involves behavioral theories, including the elements of adaptation and communication which were aspects of the discipline known as Method acting. However, Meisner put his unique stamp on this discipline and ended up training some of the most legendary actors in theatre and in film.

Committing to emotional responses and physical actions and focusing only on what the other actors are doing is the way to propel a story forward with energy and excitement is the foundation of Meisner acting. Self forgetfulness, and allowing the impulses of other actors to guide you, is the way to create a whole new reality, that reveals itself moment by moment. A performance based on these principles with have a spontaneity and an authenticity that is guaranteed to be mesmerizing. This, in fact, mimics life. Not knowing what will happen at any moment, we take in what another person says, we react, we respond, we move toward the next thing. Gaining the ability to create this kind of spontaneity onstage with other actors, the lines and story emerging brand new every second, is the most rewarding things you will learn in Meisner acting.

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