Friday, January 27, 2012

When Considering Proper Raccoon Removal

By Adriana Noton

Many home owners have found the need for proper raccoon removal. While removal can come in many forms there are some important considerations when deciding how to get rid of these pests. Like all pests there are certain strategies that will and will not work on Raccoons.

Raccoons can cause damage to your yard and outdoor property as they often will rummage through garbage in search of food. The nuisance these pesky critters cause is not only confined to the outdoors, they can cause damage as they attempt to enter homes often by force into an attic or other warm comfortable area in your home to survive the winter. Many times they can cause thousands of dollars of damage by forcing open a small gap in order to gain entry. Many of these animals are smart enough to simply tear off the shingles on your home in order to gain entry.

Once they are in your home the damage will continue as they make themselves comfortable inside an attic or wall. Once they have entered and established themselves in your attic you can expect them to damage and use your insulation as a toilet. You can also expect them destroy any and all duct work up there. Walls contain pipes and electrical wire both of which are easily destroyed by them, not to mention the walls themselves.

Once their presence is discovered you must remove them right away. You have two main choices when it comes to removing them and minimizing their damage, you can remove them yourself or hire a professional. Those deciding to tackle this problem themselves can opt to make the raccoons stay an unpleasant one. By installing lights to brighten the entire attic as well as having a loud radio playing may force them to abandon your attic as their new home. You should see results within a week if not you need to try something else.

If that technique fails you can attempt to make the air in your attic unpleasant for them. There are many repellents on the market that promise to make the raccoon seek a better place. The drawback to these solutions is your attic itself. The modern attic allows for air flow and when a repellent is used often the raccoon will simply find another part of the attic to move to where the smell is not as bad.

The home owner trying to remove raccoons can turn to a trap as a solution. There are three types of traps you can choose from, the live cage trap, once called a body grip trap or a paw trap. Both the body grip and paw traps are difficult to install and use, their use is mainly reserved for trappers that know what they are doing. That leaves the live cage trap as your only option. This type of trap can be difficult to install. You should keep in mind that many states have laws against killing a raccoon so choose a trap that does not violate this law.

As soon as all do it yourself avenues have been explored you can always call a professional removal company. Hiring a professional will result in the identification and removal of all of the raccoons found in your home. Many times professionals are called in as a last resort or when there is an infestation. In both situations the costs for removal can be high.

Raccoon removal can be difficult and time consuming. Your options for self removal are limited and can do no good. Once a problem is identified consult a professional to get an estimate. These critters can cause expensive and extensive damage to your home so you need to remove them quickly.

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