Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Great Methods To Invest Your Time Into Humanitarian Projects

By Eva R. Wolfes

Competitors may search for it their whole life, but only few find that ultimate satisfaction of achieving impossible feats that other said could never be done. There must have been a euphoric feeling that was felt in the moments surrounding the event that changed their lives. Some of the greatest and happiest moments I can remember have been based on a great achievement of my own, or that of another.

What makes fulfilling our goals such a satisfying experience in our lives? Do we become better citizens when we reach these goals, does it help us reach new heights? Is there a small part of us all that knows we can achieve the same types of goals that others we see on television or otherwise with the same amount of success? Is that why it can be so moving, so inspiring, so joyful?

If you hear about the Seagram empire, you may learn that the heiress of it is Sara Bronfman. Through building blocks of ethical personality changes and humanity, she works on and is the trustee of the Ethical Humanitarian Foundation. Now, why would a person who has an abundance of resources choose to invest her time in humanitarian pursuits? Is there some kind of gain? If so, what are they?

If you know the feeling of watching others overcome obstacles, then you can see a type of relation in this picture. These occurrences that you see others do makes us want to do them as well. If one person can do it, does it not stand to reason that other people can, too? How many times have world records been conquered, only be the reset time and again, over and over?

If human endeavors and achievement open the door for the rest of us to do better and better, then maybe investing in humanitarian pursuits is a great investment. Gathering a large group of people to establish the same belief, would mean that these efforts could, indeed, make a change in the world's humanitarian outlook. There are not many who attempt to do their best, but you could imagine what the world would be like if that changed. How would that impact the world, one individual and interaction at a time? So, how do we begin this changing development?

One of the starting procedures to reaching our goals as a unit is to change our ethical way of thinking. Why? Because ethics are the moral language which people make their day-to-day decisions. A person will get accustomed to never going anywhere with their goals id they don't have a good ethical foundation to work with. Lives can change for the best if people are submerged in a great ethical background. Humans become more and more advanced when these ethics come into motion in positive situations. The world will see new things alongside these new goals being met. The potential is inspiring. Inspiration breeds newer opportunities. Who wouldn't concur that these kinds of humanitarian efforts could make us all better people and make the world a better place?

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