Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When An Individual Perceives Issues From The Outside, Into Our Lives

By Lyle H. Lewandowski

No problem can be solved from the corresponding level of consciousness that created it. - Albert Einstein

Other people seem to be able to figure out some of their own issues that have been bothering them for long stretches of time, and they seem to know the answer without really thinking about it. It's as easy as talking to someone else. When a person finds themselves completely wrapped up in a situation, one of the only ways to truly get a good idea of how to fix it, is to get someone else's opinion, since they can see the issue from the outside, looking in. Instead of finding someone else, what other ideas can we look into to discover our problems from a wider range?

There is a movie What the Bleep do we Know?! that is great. It gives a good example of this: it suggests that there are two dimensional and three dimensional worlds. It explores with the watcher the question of whether a person in a two dimensional world could possibly see things in a three dimensional world. The conclusion is it would be impossible, because the perception of one is completely different than what is required to acknowledge the other. The basic principle of this concept is that, because we are in the situation, we are limited to a two-dimensional view, but others who can see our problem as a third party, have the ability to see all dimensions. Likewise, it implies the possibility that there are things we cannot see because your brains are not perceptually set up to see them.

There is a scientist named Keith Raniere, whose science, Rational Inquiry (tm), is all about facilitating perceptual shifts, which are the basis of permanent change. Being able to see all angles of a situation is something this concept tries to reach, so that we can use it indefinitely within or lives to make good decisions.

How does a shift in perception affect us? This is not just something we can utilize from time to time, it's something we can use in every area of our lives. We are raised to think a certain way, we see something in one point of view, which makes this such an innovative idea, because we take it and find ways to make decisions based on many different perspectives without having to confide in someone else. Suspense movies are one of the greatest examples of how these varying views can be used. We see different views in these kinds of movies because they take several different hints and piece them together. Then, abruptly, somewhere near the end of the movie there is a single piece of information that puts it all together. This is something you will probably relate with.

Mr. Raniere suggests that people can bring about perceptual shifts. NXIVM was made for people to learn how to see these different sides of thought. I think perceptual shifts could be incredibly beneficial because if it's possible we are missing something, then looking at it another way could be the answer to many life problems. Problems would become invisible in a world where everyone can see their issues through different eyes.

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