Monday, April 25, 2011

What Japanese People Believe About Zodiac Symbols

By Takamitsu Hairi

Zodiac symbols hold a remarkable place in the history of Japan. Actually the zodiac symbols are even considered important today. The zodiac symbols that we see today actually came into origin through the Chinese concept of calculating time shifts on twelve units.

Method of dividing time and direction into different units and naming them with different animal names was imported to the Japanese culture. There are twelve units of this kind and it is believed that these blocks and the animals linked with each of them have a consequential role in deciding one's personality and character.

Those who are born in the zone portrayed by a rat symbol are believed to have a good-looking-charming and cool personality. They will be ambitious, steadfast and hard working also.

The Ox is another prominent zodiac symbol. Tolerance is one of the important virtues of the people born in the year of the ox. They are also considered to be sharp and articulate speakers. They are also known to own what it takes to succeed in life while inspiring others along the way as well.

Do you belong to the tiger zone? Then you are absolutely matching with tiger not only in your valour and wilfulness but also in your immediate reaction. You are able to solace your dearer ones with a loving heart and you often think deeply on matters. But it seems that you are a little egocentric also.

Rabbit represents good fortune and great aspirations. People having this zodiac symbol are honest and are admired by others. Also they are eloquent and possess exceptional abilities.

The Dragon signifies good health and strength along with wilfulness and short temperedness. Also they are considered to be brave, honest, sensitive and trustworthy. People born in the year of the dragon are believed to be the most peculiar out of all the zodiac signs.

Powerful wisdom, deep thinking and taciturnity are the characteristics that make the people born in the year of snake so particular. They tend to be money-wise and unfaltering.

Those own horse as their zodiac symbol are usually successful in their financial life in the opinion of Japanese belief. Quick-wittedness and expertise play a good role in their success. Most of them are conversational, short-tempered and and appear to be nervous also.

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