Monday, November 12, 2012

A Calling of a Missionary - How to become one?

By Penelope Mandate Brown

When it was ordained by Jesus, "Go into the whole world", he was meant to speak to all those Christians who exist. But there could be a slight variation here. He does not say this to just an individual. He says this to the Church as one being.

The western culture has been blessed with unique entitlements and several individual responsibilities, yet has complete freedom. In the western world, each person has an individual perspective. Jesus wants each and every Christian to go out in the world. He is beckoning for his outer form to go. He assumes that everyone will go together as one world.

Why is this crucial? Because every single person cannot go abroad to do mission work. That command of Jesus also does not take that for granted. For example, think of war. As and when America is at war, the whole nation is at war, not just the troops who are out there fighting. The navy, army, air-force everyone is fighting at border. So are the supporting nurses, doctors, chefs, engineers, fire-fighters doing their part in the war. Their contribution is equally important.

The other contributors such as the ones building the aircrafts for the bomb attacks, the workers manufacturing the trucks for military purposes, some of the farmers who are producing food for the army men, others who are sewing the clothes for them, even the ones who are helping the economy to flourish by paying their taxes on timeif they refuse to work, everything will come to a halt. This can go on endlessly.

Not everyone can go out in the battleground to fight even if they want to when a nation is at war with some other country. The same ideology applies to missionary work for Christians. An individual will have to follow the command if approached directly. However it should be a group effort to go out and join in to make sure that the command is followed. Some may have to stay back to support the ones who are actually going for the purpose. They are both equally responsible for the cause even if some are going and some are not, that is called missionary work.

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