Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Most Overlooked Fact About Acting Auditions

By Kirk Baltz

The competition is fierce. In order to increase your likelihood of obtaining the role of your dreams, it is essential to master key techniques to make your audition a success. These techniques, like the craft, are not governed by specific and stringent rules but are more general principles that should be followed. Every actor looking to make a serious career knows that he or she must study the craft and spend many hours, days, and years improving their skills. However, there comes a time when an actor must decide what kind of actor he or she will be and which methods will be utilized to achieve this goal. What is the most important of these methods? Stellar audition techniques, without a doubt. Without utilizing the proper audition tips, you will never be able to demonstrate your talent to the world.

Acting is, like painting, a true art form and the path towards success is paved with creativity and hard work. Approach each and every audition as another step on that journey. An audition serves as an opportunity for an actor to practice his art. And, just a few practical notes before we get started.

Everyone present at the audition, from the producer to the director, are there to determine whether you are an appropriate match for the role. It is natural to want to put up your defenses, tense up, close down and just generally see these people as possible enemies.

The fact of the matter is, however, that these individuals are the only potential allies you have. For the most part, they want the actors that are auditioning to succeed. The success of their production depends upon someone being able to successfully fill the role. Having to perform in front of a group of directors who do not seem to be interested in you as a potential actor can, of course, be very disconcerting. Keep in mind that they have their whole production on the line. You are responsible for taking the character they have created and turning it into a personality that will grab their attention and not let go.

In this report you will learn how to harness the emotions and energy of the auditioning process to read better. Every actor worth his salt will face rejection at one point or another and what you need to learn is to put each audition failure into context so that you can move forward. You will learn how to become a smarter actor, one that makes positive use of every auditioning experience to deepen your skill set and expand your network of contacts.

Focusing on the essential auditioning technique will allow you to read for directors who will be amazed by your performance. Being happy with your own performance is the most important part of an acting audition. When it comes to auditions, you need to truly believe that you have done the best you could do. Every audition is an opportunity to further your practice of the craft, to move more deeply into the art of acting. Remember this and a successful audition will be yours.

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