Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pyramids of the Aztecs

By Eddie Montezuma

The Aztecs were an ethnic group with a wealthy mythological and cultural heritage, who lived in the Mexican valley between the 12th and 16th century AD. An really spiritual race, they believed substantially in the practice of human sacrifice. Their architectural magnificence reflected the values and beliefs that existed in those occasions.

Aztec architecture is best described as colossal, intending mainly to reveal their power, while at the same time adhering to strong religious beliefs. Chiefly influenced by the Toltecs of Cohuacan, the Tepanecs of Atzcapotzalco, along with the Acolhuas of Tetzcoco, the Aztecs relied on their architecture to endorse their military strength. Probably the most remarkable aspects of it had been the wonderful Aztec pyramids, which had been designed in order to worship their various deities and most importantly, to offer human sacrifices. Based on their beliefs, human sacrifices had been essential to pay back God's blessings, and it was carried out periodically. Basically sun and moon worshippers, the pyramids had been positioned extremely like a giant celestial calendar, and when the planets line up, it was possible to see the respective celestial body, when on top of the corresponding pyramid. These pyramids also symbolized mountains, a supply of life-sustaining water and fertility, and they had been also regarded as as abodes of ancestral spirits, due to the fact most significant individuals had been buried within them.

The Great Pyramid In Tenochtitlan

The capital of the Aztec empire was Tenochtitlan, an amazing city, where probably the most impressive and breathtaking Aztec architecture, The Great Pyramid rose majestically, 60m above the city. The pyramid was a colossal construction, possessing a natural sense of order and geometrical symmetry. It consisted of 4 step-like platforms constructed on top of one another, and they related to the four cardinal directions. Atop it was the main temple of Tenochtitlan, which was devoted to Huitzilopochtli, the god of war and sun, and Tlaloc, the god of rain and fertility.

The Appearance Of Aztec Pyramids

A Serpent Head On Aztec Pyramid

The overall look of most temples was similar resulting from its symmetrical terraces and steep steps with ornamental balustrades, rising from the centre and pointing towards the heavens. Serpent heads produced of stone had been substantially positioned at the end of the stairs, chiefly to ward away evil spirits. The wide platform itself was decorated with sculpted stone blocks and human skulls. The temples and the staircase generally faced the western direction. Flat plateaus or sacrificial blocks were built on the top of the pyramids, with an adjacent chamber for the idol and an antechamber for the priest. The Aztecs made use of bas-reliefs, walls, plazas and platforms successfully to represent their gods. Other smaller sized structures linked with the temple formed a closely placed complicated formation around its base.

Yet another striking characteristic of the Aztec pyramid temple is the stone-representation of an eagle that's deemed to be the form of Huitzilopochtli-Tonatiuh, as observed on temples at Tepoztlan, the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Xochicalco, the round temple of Cempoala, as well as the temple of Ehecatl in Calixtlahuaca.

Archaeology and historical records reveal how these temples were the main centers of the Aztecs, as it was here that the majority of their myths came to life through the method of intricate rituals. The Great Pyramid, one of the finest testaments of Aztec architecture, was destroyed in 1521, as well as the whole Aztec empire, by the Spanish conquistador Hernn Corts.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Guide To Choosing Dystopian Novels

By Hailey Wandell

In order to define what dystopian novels you have to know what the word dystopia means. The word refers to a future in which society has gone wrong. This can be for various different reasons such as a nuclear explosion, technology turning against its users or a world ravaged by natural disaster.

A dystopia is the opposite of a utopia. In a utopia everything runs perfectly and there are no problems. Indeed in many novels a society starts off seeming like a utopia before revealing that all is not perfect and that appearances are not all they seem.

In a dystopia everything has gone wrong. One of the most famous examples of this is the George Orwell novel 1984. In this vision of the future a repressive government uses surveillance and propaganda in order to watch over people and to ensure that they obey their government.

In the story Alex is offered a way out of prison. He undergoes a program that prevents him from having violent thoughts. Unfortunately a side effect of this is that he is equally prevented from enjoying classical music as he gets the same feelings of pleasure from Beethoven as he does from violence.

A common feature of a dystopian novel is that it will have a bleak ending. In the case of George Orwell he had worked for the government and had seen the effects of propaganda. In many respects his vision of the future was how he feared the world would become if totalitarianism was left unchecked. The point of these stories is often that the writer wants to warn people of how society could potentially change for the worse.

A Clockwork Orange is just one in the wide array of dystopian novels available. You can find a number of different titles in this genre, such as The Road by Cormac McCarthy, 1984 by George Orwell or Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Look online for more information and reviews of stories about dystopia.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

American Author Women Who Wow Time And Time Again

By Jesenia Alvarez

Two women who are wonderful sizzling summer reads and hold the title of American author are Carly Phillips and Jude Devereaux. These two understand what women want in an amazing story and they tell it as if they are one's oldest and dearest friend. On holiday or poolside they can take a person away to dazzling and sensual worlds.

Carly Phillips comes through again and again. She is an adult novelist who spins tantalizing romps that are awaited with anticipation. She was zoomed to stardom when Kelly Ripa, recommended her first book, The Bachelor as a Ripa Read. This trilogy includes, The Playboy and The Heartbreaker.

After her rise in popularity, she has just kept on cranking out mesmerizing story, after story. The demand for her novels is great and much of that is due to her explicit tales. There are always elements of love involved as well, so she strikes a great balance.

Jude Devereaux spins tales of romance mixed with the supernatural. She does this seamlessly, adding in splashes of humor along the way. Her characters are ones who when the book is over the reader does not want to leave. It is a good thing she writes trilogies many times.

An Angel For Emily, is a tale of mystery and romance as Emily is saved by her guardian angel. She falls in love with him, and he with her. It is so well written a person is left searching for their own guardian angel to have a romance with.

The Forever, Always, and Forever and Always trilogy is perhaps her most famous. It is a novel about time traveling Darcy Monroe and her adventures in love and life. The reader will be saying, just one more page.

For a delightful, spicy romp, at home or on vacation, either American author will answer this need. One can carry one in their purse, beach bag, or brief case. When the moment presents itself, be sure to take a read.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

The Best Yellow Prom Dresses Flatter Your Body Shape

By Miracle Pan

As a woman, you must have been searching for the perfect prom gowns for the upcoming Christmas prom night for many days. Why not trying some brilliant yellow prom dresses which are in bright colors and sophisticated silhouette? Now here are some great collections of stunning yellow wear to help you make a right selection. You have made your decision to do something to make your upcoming Christmas prom night happy and exciting. The best prom gown can flaunt your perfect body shape can display your own sense of style. Here are some romantic styles and trendsetting styles. You can find some great ones in such collections.

A great way to get started on your quest for a distinctive prom gown is to consider bridesmaid gowns. A lot of people search for prom gowns and never think to consider dresses for weddings. These types of dresses are generally more timeless in their design, so if you'd like to avoid the princess look that every other girl is striving for, this can prove to be the perfect choice.

A lot of girls get a solid color dress that might have a bit of decoration and embellishment. But these days, designers are also creating formal gowns in a range of gorgeous prints. Many have a white backdrop with an elegant floral design, and some even bring to mind the tropics. You can get some with bold geometric patterns which are truly unique.

Or if you want to make a more dramatic statement, you can purchase prom dresses in the Gothic style. They normally are produced from black satin with some lace accents, but you can get them in a combination of purple and black or black and red. A number of them tie up the back. Even if you do buy a more conservative prom dress, there are certainly all sorts of things you can change about it to make it stand out. Begin with a simple floor length gown and then attach some sparkly edging or stitch on some pearls, sequins or beads to give it an entirely different look.

A large part of modesty, especially in a physical sense, is humility, which is something that is prized and exalted within the Christian community. When we can be truly humble before God, we are a positive example for our community and for the rest of the world.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

WoW Gold Making Methods

By Eddie Mones

Do you wish to acquire a lot more gold? Do you want to relish that Whoa activity devoid of cash problems? Many of these wounds might be sorted through selecting a successful work. Any successful profession gudie could make your own identity affluent. Craft making careers tend to be relatively frequent, so you really need one particular particular person to perform every single blend one time. In addition , skilling up these kinds of careers takes age range, numerous stuff that could own converted a new benefit will be being sold in the deprivation towards the Auction Home, so an individual becomes that expertise upward. That major deal away to doing this is generally that you get unique BoP craftable armour, weapons and various products intriguing.

You should remember one primary principle to purchase low and sell high. That is to say, you can buy a number of pieces of the same items and sell them off in bulks for a higher cost. Then, you can earn WoW gold mass. Be careful though never to price your items too high or too low because this will leave you either in deficit or your items will never sell when priced too high. With the intense competition going on, you need to find out which is the best brand name for you. Traders have been using since god knows when, and it works just as well in Warcraft. The best bet is to try to pick some type of commodity that markets very often on the Auction House, like components for trade skills.

You need something that will pretty much always be on the market. Once you have a feel for what the normal price is, you can start with the buying phase. What you will want to do is continue checking the prices on a regular basis. But now, when you see a person list items below the normal price, buy it. Of course, you should make some decisions about how much of a profit you want to create. Just a few copper or silver may not be worth the effort. But if you are diligent, you will find people posting items with ridiculously rates.

Take advantage and buy while the prices are good. Another way goes to choose a best place to go to. And Auction House is among the best places to farm gold in Wow, especially if you have a very lot of items in your inventory and would want to earn a tad bit more gold for them. You will be surprised though that with the correct pricing and canvassing your items could be worth a whole lot more than you anticipated them to be.

Leatherworking also produces secondary items like rounds pouches and quivers. These are bags that not only hold bullets and arrows, but also provide a weapon speed increase to guns, bows, and crossbows. Armor kits are another secondary item which can be made through Leatherworking. These are able to permanently adding armor class to your armor in quite similar way as enchantments can permanently enhance armor. If you do not know about Kaye Toogie today, go read up on it over on the Gnomish Coin. The way it works is, everytime you use your wormhole you have a chance to get the option. Come to enjoy thses useful information about World of Warcraft.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

What To Do When Visiting An Art Gallery

By Elinor Tran

You can find a number of different types of art gallery Delray Beach FL in your local area. Venues that display pictures, sculptures and so forth vary in terms of both size and style. Some people can feel nervous of going to a gallery as they fear they will not behave in the proper way. However with a few tips it is possible to relax and enjoy the artworks on display.

Many venues display artistic work and welcome people to browse and look at the pieces on view. Owners are often aware that in a lot of cases the people viewing the pictures, sculptures and so forth are not going to be interested in buying them. This is especially true in public galleries where you may have to pay admission to get in.

A lot of people start off by looking at pieces at the far end of a room and then look at individual artwork in a counter clockwise motion. A better way to navigate a room is to go to the middle and see if there are any particular pieces that you are interested in. This is best done when the room is quiet.

Different artistic venues will display different types of artwork. Some may focus purely on local art and new artists. Others may prefer older work, focus on different cultures or themes or in the case of some public venues you may be charged admission and you will be one of many people looking around at what is on display.

A good time to visit an artistic venue is when they first open or during an exhibition. There is often free food and drink and artists are often there to discuss their work. The atmosphere tends to be relaxed.

You can find an art gallery delray beach FL near you by checking online. There are numerous directories and most websites will have directions showing you how to get to a venue. Look online for more information and to learn more about the artwork available near you.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

How To Save Money While Using An Interior Designer

By Laura Gallagher

The appearance of a home brightens the spirits of its owner. It is not unusual to update the look of a space every few years. An interior designer Philadelphia can create a look that matches the design sensibilities of its owner.

Before venturing into a design scheme, consider the amount of money available for a remodel. Knowing this amount can assist one in focusing on areas within a space that desperately need sprucing up. There are some things a homeowner can do on their own to reduce costs. An interior designer normally works with a crew for painting, wallpapering and floor installation. Become handy and save on labor.

Those who have an idea of what color they would like on the walls, can paint them. Use color swatches to determine which hues will best work with any new furnishings, carpeting, or appliances. Those who know how to install carpeting or flooring can save by doing the work, as well.

If the kitchen space is in need of a large number of changes, see which can be made cheaper. Cabinets do not always have to be removed. Check the structure of cabinets and if they can be sanded down and stained or coated with paint, that is one option. However, individuals can also opt to reface the cabinets. It does not cost as much as a new installation, but since a new surface is applied, they look brand new.

Natural wood has a wonderful appeal. With highly trafficked parts of a home, opt for laminate flooring, instead. This type of flooring is easy to clean and comes in a variety of styles, even wood. This helps those who suffer from allergic reactions since it can be swept and mopped every day.

Use an Interior Designer Philadelphia to establish the basis of the project. Remember to look for cost-cutting methods throughout a project. Use the remaining funds in other ways.

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dance Moves Of The Professional Belly Dancer

By Laura Gallagher

A professional belly dancer performs dance moves from numerous Middle Eastern styles. For instance, dances moves from Iran, India, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Armenia, North Africa and Greece are used. Movements found in flamenco, salsa, jazz and ballet are often performed by belly dancers with their own ideas added.

Characteristic moves include rib cage circles (figure eights) and isolated stomach rolls when standing still or doing floor work. Also, stomach flutters or using the full rib cage in undulations and camel walks are very entertaining. Circling the rib cage and hips in opposition at the same time in addition to snake arms add a beautiful effect.

Ethnic dances contain a down-to-earth, traditional outward show. The ethnic dance has a sequence of traditional moves from a lot of cultures. Various times ethnic dancers are fond of dancing on a flat foot as distinguished from on the balls of their foot to carry out an ethnic look. The ethnic approach involves hip actions and stomach undulations being huge and flamboyant.

The ethnic style calls for moves that are performed by an observable leader so that others may follow. Moves are completed from the hips up since it is difficult for followers to make out the feet. For illustration, a dancer could shift their hips in a loop with the arms still or might roll the arms with their hips still.

Egyptian dance moves are done with muscles in the torso. Hips receive the emphasis when doing circles, half circles, infinity loops, lifts, and drops. Layering (adding a shaking of the body over a hip circle) is essential in Egyptian moves. Egyptian movements use the torso and rolling abdominal movements as a layer combined with various hip moves.

Egyptian oriental moves (performed by a Professional belly dancer) use large hip circles while bending over fully at the waist and making a large, sweeping arm movement. Also, this style uses a side-to-side crescent with a hip twist on each side as well as the straight-legged vertical hip move and the pelvic forward and then back again shaking.

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The Most Overlooked Fact About Acting Auditions

By Kirk Baltz

The competition is fierce. In order to increase your likelihood of obtaining the role of your dreams, it is essential to master key techniques to make your audition a success. These techniques, like the craft, are not governed by specific and stringent rules but are more general principles that should be followed. Every actor looking to make a serious career knows that he or she must study the craft and spend many hours, days, and years improving their skills. However, there comes a time when an actor must decide what kind of actor he or she will be and which methods will be utilized to achieve this goal. What is the most important of these methods? Stellar audition techniques, without a doubt. Without utilizing the proper audition tips, you will never be able to demonstrate your talent to the world.

Acting is, like painting, a true art form and the path towards success is paved with creativity and hard work. Approach each and every audition as another step on that journey. An audition serves as an opportunity for an actor to practice his art. And, just a few practical notes before we get started.

Everyone present at the audition, from the producer to the director, are there to determine whether you are an appropriate match for the role. It is natural to want to put up your defenses, tense up, close down and just generally see these people as possible enemies.

The fact of the matter is, however, that these individuals are the only potential allies you have. For the most part, they want the actors that are auditioning to succeed. The success of their production depends upon someone being able to successfully fill the role. Having to perform in front of a group of directors who do not seem to be interested in you as a potential actor can, of course, be very disconcerting. Keep in mind that they have their whole production on the line. You are responsible for taking the character they have created and turning it into a personality that will grab their attention and not let go.

In this report you will learn how to harness the emotions and energy of the auditioning process to read better. Every actor worth his salt will face rejection at one point or another and what you need to learn is to put each audition failure into context so that you can move forward. You will learn how to become a smarter actor, one that makes positive use of every auditioning experience to deepen your skill set and expand your network of contacts.

Focusing on the essential auditioning technique will allow you to read for directors who will be amazed by your performance. Being happy with your own performance is the most important part of an acting audition. When it comes to auditions, you need to truly believe that you have done the best you could do. Every audition is an opportunity to further your practice of the craft, to move more deeply into the art of acting. Remember this and a successful audition will be yours.

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